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✅ Unlock 5,000 hours of content (1,000 courses) and Subscriber-only Support Forum. Subscribe for early access to new courses. You'll get all of our past, present and future online courses. 20-60 new hours added monthly!
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✔ Free Priority Access to personalized code trainer Launching in 2025
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👨🎓 Join 8 million+ students in high-quality courses featured at Harvard
🔨 Project-based curriculum to superboost your portfolio
🎓 Graduation certificate for every course
🧒 Absolute beginner-friendly
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👌 Perfected over years of training
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✔️ Join over 8 million students in 200+ countries
Are you feeling swamped by new technology? Are you worried your skills are becoming outdated? Do you want to become not just a coder, but a coder who stands out in the sea of competition?
If you said YES and are ready to take your career to the next level, using powerful tools in everything from programming to data science, this might be the most important page you’re going to read in a long time…
That’s because I’m going to share a story about how I went from unemployed to running my own business all by being the first to learn new programming languages and sharpening my skills constantly...
And you’re going to discover how you can do the same by enrolling in a Mammoth Unlimited Membership!
I picked up these skills in my spare time... And you can do the same.
I'm A Lot Like You...
I wasn't always leading a team and teaching 1.6 million people how to supersize their career...
And frankly, not too long ago, my skills were obsolete, too.
I started programming in 1997 back with Visual Basic, C and GameSalad. When new languages started appearing on the market, and there was a new most popular language every YEAR, I didn't know what to do with myself.
There Was Never A Course When I Needed It Most
In 2009, I wanted to release an XBOX 360 game. The only problem was that I had learned C++, and to make an XBOX 360 game, I needed to know C# (I know they sound similar, but they are very different.) There were no classes available anywhere that showed you how to program an XBOX game.
Do you want to get serious and take your career to a new level by modernizing your toolkit, but you just can't find a comprehensive course that meets all your needs?
Or is there a new tech tool (ahem... machine learning, anyone?) that you keep hearing about but are too overwhelmed to know where to even begin?
Or have you simply been thinking about building a game or website for a while now, and you need that boost to finally get started?
Then You're Like Me
This is the pickle I was in back in 2009. I had just graduated with a business degree, plopped straight into the 2008 recession. Jobs were not plentiful. To most of my applications, I was offered an unpaid internship or a rejection letter. I remember it being frustrating, every day feeling like I was climbing a mountain and never reaching the summit.
There were games I wanted to build and programming jobs I dreamed about, but it all seemed impossible to reach.
Since employment rates were low, I wanted to learn an in-demand, hireable skill to become a freelancer and take back control over my life. But it just wasn't practical to go back to university to learn programming. And universities seemed to be teaching the same old languages, with such few projects...
The Best Course Is One That Sparks Your Passion
I finally managed to find a website that streamed video tutorials on game development with C#. So I purchased the course and in 2010, I released my own XBOX 360 game.
The power I felt from taking my education into my own hands and releasing a product faster than I had thought possible was amazing. All my problems were solved...
Well, sort of…
I still had a life to live (and pay for.) Releasing an XBOX 360 game wasn't enough. I had to keep learning. So I continued taking online courses and, as my skills advanced and I learned more languages like Objective-C. I began picking up freelance programming jobs and building iPhone apps. NOW, all my problems were solved...
Well, sort of…
There was one more important thing I had to learn:
Your Skills Will Rust
This is a fact that can make or break your career. If approached correctly, this can actually be the catapult to your success.
With one quick (dare I say, swift) movement, Apple stuck the rug right out from under me, and every other app developer who had been making apps for the early iPhones. In 2014, Apple released Swift as the new language for iPhone app development.
There were no courses and little documentation for Swift, so anyone who wanted to make apps had to act fast...
I Learned The Hard Way So You Don't Have To
I jumped right in and learned everything I could about Swift on my own in one month. And I was one of the first to start releasing apps on the App Store using Swift.
This was a pivotal point in my career.
I had already been helping other game developers online because fans of my XBOX game had asked me all sorts of questions about how I made my game, and asking me to work on their games. And app development was no different.
Everyone was amazed and wanted to know how I had learned Swift so quickly...
The Truth: Anyone Can Learn To Code
Despite what some people try to make you believe. Usually these are people trying to get paid more by a business owner who doesn't know anything about programming. That's why it's important for everyone to know even the basics of what you're hiring someone to do.
Many people were mystified about how to make apps. There was an entire app development industry waiting to happen, and the world didn't know about it. As such, the apps being released were very limited, and only a few people were making them. No one knew where to learn...
The Skills Gap Problem In Tech
The Global Information Security Workforce Study predicts as many as 3.6 million technology jobs will be unfilled by 2022.
The problem is, it is impossible for universities to develop curricula quickly enough to keep up with changing technology. Professors have to go through long applications to get a course approved, and by that time, Apple could release a new version of Swift.
Universities make BILLIONS by making you believe you need to go to school for 4 (or 6) years to get a job, while nothing could be further from the truth...
And while I knew all of that, I still didn't know how to solve the problem. The skills gap was just starting to grow, and it was making me nervous...
Education Wasn't Efficient Enough To Keep Up With Demand
This wasn't just happening with Swift. There were new programming languages and technology tools being released, but no one could learn them quickly enough. Learning on your own takes a lot of time and inefficiency, because you have to learn through the tedious process of trial and error.
If people couldn't learn technology quickly enough, businesses would struggle, whimper and eventually fail as they would be eaten by competitors. An entire country can depend on its ability to fill a knowledge gap, or risk losing its position in the global economy.
I knew the school system was doing something wrong, and I desperately wanted to fix that.
So I started digging for a solution...
The Online Learning Revolution
Fans of my apps were asking for my help on projects. People wanted to build apps! So I researched how to make an online course and got started, using the skills I had picked up as a classroom teacher back in 2002.
I recorded an online course, explaining how I had learned to code in Swift and showing people how they could build apps, too. I taught as many of my keys to success as possible: rapid prototyping, the 10-10-10 rule, and maximizing efficiency.
This course was extremely popular because you could make a lot of money on the App Store. Things have changed now because the App Store is more competitive, but learning to code is still just as profitable.
My course was highly reviewed, and students started asking for more...
I Spent the Next Six Years Perfecting My Teaching Style
I watched other online courses to see what the best instructors were doing. Although at the time, there were few of them. Online learning didn't have the millions of investment that is does now. I tried every learning management system out there. I grew close with other online instructors, with whom I share advice and maintain close working relationships today.
Finally, I realized that the only way to get as good as Harvard professors was to teach. And teach a lot...
Perfecting My Teaching Style
So I began learning new languages in the same way I had mastered Swift in 1 month. I began producing web development tutorials with Ruby and Python. And as such, Mammoth Interactive was born.
Rapid prototyping worked for apps, and it worked for courses, too. I worked and reworked until my teaching style could be boiled down to the following key pillars:
Target complete beginners.
Almost all of our courses require no previous experience or prerequisites. Instead, we start each course completely from scratch and build up difficulty with each hour that you progress. That means we don't make any assumptions, and anyone can take our courses. Even developers with experience will benefit from revisiting the basics and "unlearning" bad habits.
Teach on free software.
We consistently choose free software that provides the same service as thousand-dollar inflated software. This makes our courses affordable and accessible. We make sure the software is widely used in the industry.
Teach through practical project building.
If you get your hands dirty with real world examples, you'll retain more information, stay engaged longer, and complete bigger portfolios, ultimately getting hired and profitable faster than if you took a theory courses.
Always stay up to date on up and coming tools, so that students can be the first to learn them.
We have consistently been the first to teach the next wildly popular software, including Google Flutter and Construct 3.
Teach over the shoulder with no copy and pasting.
Courses that copy and paste code do you a disservice. With our courses, you learn line by line, watching in real time how a developer builds a project.
I was also able to hire a team to help me make an even broader range of courses, including more courses on 3D modeling, data science, game development and web development.
And that’s when I finally started to figure it out…
Highly Successful People Look At The World Differently
And anyone can climb to the next step in their career by applying these techniques.
Highly successful people don't treat success like a destination. They treat success like a wheel. You must constantly be learning and unlearning to stay relevant.
Don't be one of the programmers or other professionals experiencing wage stagnation due to obsolete skills. Learning can be easy and quick, if you have efficient teachers who have meticulously curated only the most streamlined curriculum to get you from nothing to where you want to be. All you need is a computer and a membership...
You Can Do It
Learning a new programming language is no longer frustrating. Now it’s fun and rewarding, and having a huge course library makes it possible for anyone to switch careers.
Now, you might be thinking that you're going to struggle because learning new things is difficult…
And honestly, I’m not surprised to hear that… because that’s exactly how I felt!
I used to think that the successful people are naturally talented, and that I would never become a great programmer since I didn’t have this kind of talent. And indeed, some people are born with a natural talent, but unfortunately I wasn’t one of them.
But the truth is that…
You Don't Need Talent To Become Successful
You need dedication and consistent practice. Whether you want to become a machine learning expert, game developer or data scientist, the best way, and frankly the only way to land your dream job is to practice as much as you can.
There's no wrong way to learn, but there is an effective way to learn. With the right school library, you can trust that you are going through an efficient curriculum that is giving you the skills you need.
For a long time, it was hard to take action to upskill...
The Old Way Of Learning Is Too Slow
You could read boring books, take an outdated and slow university course, and read tens of thousands of articles and documentation online. And if you can put all the pieces together, you will be learning, but it will be far too slow. Someone else will have eaten your lunch.
That's the long and difficult road...
You could watch scattered YouTube tutorials, buy an online course here and there, and try to go through documentation to build your own projects from scratch. That's slightly better, but it's still not learning as quickly as possible with the most results-oriented approach.
And that’s why I created something that is absolutely the most effective way for you to stay relevant in this economy…
Introducing the Mammoth Unlimited Membership
The Mammoth Unlimited Membership is an all-access pass to the Mammoth Interactive school library. That means you get 1,700 hours of content. And not just content but courses and masterclasses that teach a step-by-step, holistic curriculum.
Now that's something you can boast about on LinkedIn.
Most courses teach you just enough to get you done with a project completed, but our school library provides you with a huge catalog of courses while also showing you how to become the most in-demand developer who thinks like an experienced pro.
Most people think they can learn to code and that's it, but...
Having The Same Skills Isn't Enough Anymore
With the pace at which technology evolves, you must consistently learn the most hireable and useful skills. With our school library, you can trust that you are saving time and money by learning in the most efficient way possible.
You see, learning to code is only half of the equation. The other half is maintaining your skills so that you can get that promotion or release a profitable product in your spare time.
With the right school, you can be the first to know about what software will be most popular next, and be the first to learn them. You can be a high value knowledge worker and stay competitive.
You'll Be Ahead Of The Trends
While everyone else is still trying to grapple with an old language, you'll have a sharp, future-oriented mindset and can be the first to talk about what everyone will be learning next year to try to keep up.
You can be like one of those early birds back in 2014, who were able to be the first to produce iPhone apps with Swift and release on the App Store with barely any competition.
That’s exactly what you'll get with the Mammoth Unlimited Membership.
Yes, you’re going to learn any course you want, anytime, but more importantly…
You're Going To Love New Courses
You're going to learn new programming languages and ways to leverage them that are so good you'll be surprised at how useful your own projects are.
You're going to learn transferable skills that could save you hours at your job.
You're going to amaze others at how quickly you can learn because you have mastered an efficient learning style. No more random YouTube tutorials!
And you're going to have confidence in your skills that will give you the courage to pursue bigger opportunities...
You'll Be A Strategic Learner
You'll be taking a new course not because your job is at risk without that skill, but because you're excited to find out what will be the next bullet to add to your resume, project to grow your portfolio, or tool you can discover before anyone else does.
I know these are big promises, but I also know I can deliver…
Because 1.6 million happy students have already enrolled at Mammoth Interactive and forever changed the way they think about work.
Intergalactic Zoo Android Game by Mammoth Interactive student Rich
A Similar College Course Would Cost You Thousands Of Dollars
Not only that, but colleges are behind on topics because of long, mandatory applications for curriculum approval. That makes it really hard for professors to stay up to date on cutting-edge tools. Like TensorFlow, which just updated to 2.0.
We teach only the most recent tools and most popular programming languages. You’ll get all source code to check your work, along with an entire community and instructor Q&A support.
In just a few short weeks you can be adding your next skill (Machine learning? Unity? JavaScript?) to your resume with proof to back it up.
Or you can keep doing what you’re doing now.
The choice is yours.
But first, I have to warn you about something:
Spots are limited, and this sale won't last forever.
All sales are final. Due to the nature of our products/services, we are unable to offer refunds. Email support(at) with any inquiries. Enroll below!
"Just an amazing amount of content, very easy to follow along and combine previous lessons with current ones."
- Mike Forde, Game Developer
"Looks to be a good high-level grounding into the basics of machine learning and data science. Easy to understand."
- Richard L Burnett, Emergency Management
"I have a few Mammoth Courses, but this is the best one so far. John Bura is funny, he explains everything well, very understandable even for beginners. I fully recommend this course for newbies."
- Gabriele Giles, App Developer
Your Instructor
John has been programming since 1997 and teaching since 2002. He has been contracted by many different companies to provide game design, audio, programming, level design and project management.
To this day John has contributed to 40 commercial games. Several of the games he has produced have risen to the Top 10 in the Apple's App Store.
His expertise is in e-learning, entrepreneurship, programming, software development, and game development. He is also a new father of two kids.
Mammoth Interactive is a leading online course provider in everything from learning to code to becoming a YouTube star. Mammoth Interactive courses have been featured on Harvard’s edX, Business Insider and more.
Over 14 years, Mammoth Interactive has built a global student community with over 8 million courses sold. Mammoth Interactive has released over 1,000 course and 5,000 hours of video content.
Founder and CEO John Bura has been programming since 1997 and teaching
since 2002. John has created top-selling applications for iOS, Xbox and
more. John also runs SaaS company Devonian Apps, building
efficiency-minded software for technology workers like you.
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