Mammoth Unlimited Membership

✅ Unlock 5,000 hours of content (1,000 courses) and Subscriber-only Support Forum. Subscribe for early access to new courses. You'll get all of our past, present and future online courses. 20-60 new hours added monthly!

  Enroll / Gift

✔ Get all 5,000 hours of courses

✔ First early access to new courses

✔ 90 minutes of new content added every day

✔ 30 new assets added every day

✔ Get 100+ certifications to prove your education

✔ App templates, mock interviews, and coding challenges

✔ Free Priority Access to Mammoth 2.0 Service Launching in 2025

✔ Free Priority Access to personalized code trainer Launching in 2025

✔ Regular Live Webinars and Q&A Sessions with Industry Experts

✔ 20-60 new hours created monthly

✔ Join over 8 million students in 200+ countries

✔ Total Value: $320,000+

✔ Lock in to early bird price forever

✔ Easy instant self cancellation at any time

✔️ Exclusive study guides and cheat sheets

✔️ Subscriber-only Support Forum

👨‍🎓 Join 8 million+ students in high-quality courses featured at Harvard

🔨 Project-based curriculum to superboost your portfolio

🎓 Graduation certificate for every course

🧒 Absolute beginner-friendly

🏷️ 90% off

💻 Use any computer 📱

✔️ Satisfaction guarantee

📁 Get all source code

👌 Perfected over years of training

✔️ Every member question answered within 2 business days

✔️ Join over 8 million students in 200+ countries

Are you feeling swamped by new technology? Are you worried your skills are becoming outdated? Do you want to become not just a coder, but a coder who stands out in the sea of competition?

If you said YES and are ready to take your career to the next level, using powerful tools in everything from programming to data science, this might be the most important page you’re going to read in a long time…

That’s because I’m going to share a story about how I went from unemployed to running my own business all by being the first to learn new programming languages and sharpening my skills constantly...

And you’re going to discover how you can do the same by enrolling in a Mammoth Unlimited Membership!

Best Tech Skills to Learn

I picked up these skills in my spare time... And you can do the same.

I'm A Lot Like You...

I wasn't always leading a team and teaching 1.6 million people how to supersize their career...

And frankly, not too long ago, my skills were obsolete, too.

I started programming in 1997 back with Visual Basic, C and GameSalad. When new languages started appearing on the market, and there was a new most popular language every YEAR, I didn't know what to do with myself.

There Was Never A Course When I Needed It Most

In 2009, I wanted to release an XBOX 360 game. The only problem was that I had learned C++, and to make an XBOX 360 game, I needed to know C# (I know they sound similar, but they are very different.) There were no classes available anywhere that showed you how to program an XBOX game.

Do you want to get serious and take your career to a new level by modernizing your toolkit, but you just can't find a comprehensive course that meets all your needs?

Or is there a new tech tool (ahem... machine learning, anyone?) that you keep hearing about but are too overwhelmed to know where to even begin?

Or have you simply been thinking about building a game or website for a while now, and you need that boost to finally get started?

Then You're Like Me

This is the pickle I was in back in 2009. I had just graduated with a business degree, plopped straight into the 2008 recession. Jobs were not plentiful. To most of my applications, I was offered an unpaid internship or a rejection letter. I remember it being frustrating, every day feeling like I was climbing a mountain and never reaching the summit.

There were games I wanted to build and programming jobs I dreamed about, but it all seemed impossible to reach.

Since employment rates were low, I wanted to learn an in-demand, hireable skill to become a freelancer and take back control over my life. But it just wasn't practical to go back to university to learn programming. And universities seemed to be teaching the same old languages, with such few projects...

The Best Course Is One That Sparks Your Passion

I finally managed to find a website that streamed video tutorials on game development with C#. So I purchased the course and in 2010, I released my own XBOX 360 game.

The power I felt from taking my education into my own hands and releasing a product faster than I had thought possible was amazing. All my problems were solved...

Well, sort of…

I still had a life to live (and pay for.) Releasing an XBOX 360 game wasn't enough. I had to keep learning. So I continued taking online courses and, as my skills advanced and I learned more languages like Objective-C. I began picking up freelance programming jobs and building iPhone apps. NOW, all my problems were solved...

Well, sort of…

There was one more important thing I had to learn:

Your Skills Will Rust

This is a fact that can make or break your career. If approached correctly, this can actually be the catapult to your success.

With one quick (dare I say, swift) movement, Apple stuck the rug right out from under me, and every other app developer who had been making apps for the early iPhones. In 2014, Apple released Swift as the new language for iPhone app development.

There were no courses and little documentation for Swift, so anyone who wanted to make apps had to act fast...

I Learned The Hard Way So You Don't Have To

App Developer

I jumped right in and learned everything I could about Swift on my own in one month. And I was one of the first to start releasing apps on the App Store using Swift.

This was a pivotal point in my career.

I had already been helping other game developers online because fans of my XBOX game had asked me all sorts of questions about how I made my game, and asking me to work on their games. And app development was no different.

Everyone was amazed and wanted to know how I had learned Swift so quickly...

The Truth: Anyone Can Learn To Code

Despite what some people try to make you believe. Usually these are people trying to get paid more by a business owner who doesn't know anything about programming. That's why it's important for everyone to know even the basics of what you're hiring someone to do.

Many people were mystified about how to make apps. There was an entire app development industry waiting to happen, and the world didn't know about it. As such, the apps being released were very limited, and only a few people were making them. No one knew where to learn...

The Skills Gap Problem In Tech

Skills Gap

The Global Information Security Workforce Study predicts as many as 3.6 million technology jobs will be unfilled by 2022.

The problem is, it is impossible for universities to develop curricula quickly enough to keep up with changing technology. Professors have to go through long applications to get a course approved, and by that time, Apple could release a new version of Swift.

Universities make BILLIONS by making you believe you need to go to school for 4 (or 6) years to get a job, while nothing could be further from the truth...

And while I knew all of that, I still didn't know how to solve the problem. The skills gap was just starting to grow, and it was making me nervous...

Education Wasn't Efficient Enough To Keep Up With Demand

This wasn't just happening with Swift. There were new programming languages and technology tools being released, but no one could learn them quickly enough. Learning on your own takes a lot of time and inefficiency, because you have to learn through the tedious process of trial and error.

If people couldn't learn technology quickly enough, businesses would struggle, whimper and eventually fail as they would be eaten by competitors. An entire country can depend on its ability to fill a knowledge gap, or risk losing its position in the global economy.

I knew the school system was doing something wrong, and I desperately wanted to fix that.

So I started digging for a solution...

The Online Learning Revolution

Unreal Game Developer Course

Fans of my apps were asking for my help on projects. People wanted to build apps! So I researched how to make an online course and got started, using the skills I had picked up as a classroom teacher back in 2002.

I recorded an online course, explaining how I had learned to code in Swift and showing people how they could build apps, too. I taught as many of my keys to success as possible: rapid prototyping, the 10-10-10 rule, and maximizing efficiency.

This course was extremely popular because you could make a lot of money on the App Store. Things have changed now because the App Store is more competitive, but learning to code is still just as profitable.

My course was highly reviewed, and students started asking for more...

I Spent the Next Six Years Perfecting My Teaching Style

I watched other online courses to see what the best instructors were doing. Although at the time, there were few of them. Online learning didn't have the millions of investment that is does now. I tried every learning management system out there. I grew close with other online instructors, with whom I share advice and maintain close working relationships today.

Finally, I realized that the only way to get as good as Harvard professors was to teach. And teach a lot...

Perfecting My Teaching Style

Teaching Online

So I began learning new languages in the same way I had mastered Swift in 1 month. I began producing web development tutorials with Ruby and Python. And as such, Mammoth Interactive was born.

Rapid prototyping worked for apps, and it worked for courses, too. I worked and reworked until my teaching style could be boiled down to the following key pillars:

Target complete beginners.

Almost all of our courses require no previous experience or prerequisites. Instead, we start each course completely from scratch and build up difficulty with each hour that you progress. That means we don't make any assumptions, and anyone can take our courses. Even developers with experience will benefit from revisiting the basics and "unlearning" bad habits.

Teach on free software.

We consistently choose free software that provides the same service as thousand-dollar inflated software. This makes our courses affordable and accessible. We make sure the software is widely used in the industry.

Teach through practical project building.

If you get your hands dirty with real world examples, you'll retain more information, stay engaged longer, and complete bigger portfolios, ultimately getting hired and profitable faster than if you took a theory courses.

Always stay up to date on up and coming tools, so that students can be the first to learn them.

We have consistently been the first to teach the next wildly popular software, including Google Flutter and Construct 3.

Teach over the shoulder with no copy and pasting.

Courses that copy and paste code do you a disservice. With our courses, you learn line by line, watching in real time how a developer builds a project.

I was also able to hire a team to help me make an even broader range of courses, including more courses on 3D modeling, data science, game development and web development.

And that’s when I finally started to figure it out…

Highly Successful People Look At The World Differently

Coding for Parents and Teachers

And anyone can climb to the next step in their career by applying these techniques.

Highly successful people don't treat success like a destination. They treat success like a wheel. You must constantly be learning and unlearning to stay relevant.

Don't be one of the programmers or other professionals experiencing wage stagnation due to obsolete skills. Learning can be easy and quick, if you have efficient teachers who have meticulously curated only the most streamlined curriculum to get you from nothing to where you want to be. All you need is a computer and a membership...

You Can Do It

Learning a new programming language is no longer frustrating. Now it’s fun and rewarding, and having a huge course library makes it possible for anyone to switch careers.

Now, you might be thinking that you're going to struggle because learning new things is difficult…

And honestly, I’m not surprised to hear that… because that’s exactly how I felt!

I used to think that the successful people are naturally talented, and that I would never become a great programmer since I didn’t have this kind of talent. And indeed, some people are born with a natural talent, but unfortunately I wasn’t one of them.

But the truth is that…

You Don't Need Talent To Become Successful

Making More Money

You need dedication and consistent practice. Whether you want to become a machine learning expert, game developer or data scientist, the best way, and frankly the only way to land your dream job is to practice as much as you can.

There's no wrong way to learn, but there is an effective way to learn. With the right school library, you can trust that you are going through an efficient curriculum that is giving you the skills you need.

For a long time, it was hard to take action to upskill...

The Old Way Of Learning Is Too Slow

You could read boring books, take an outdated and slow university course, and read tens of thousands of articles and documentation online. And if you can put all the pieces together, you will be learning, but it will be far too slow. Someone else will have eaten your lunch.

That's the long and difficult road...

You could watch scattered YouTube tutorials, buy an online course here and there, and try to go through documentation to build your own projects from scratch. That's slightly better, but it's still not learning as quickly as possible with the most results-oriented approach.

And that’s why I created something that is absolutely the most effective way for you to stay relevant in this economy

Introducing the Mammoth Unlimited Membership

Available on All Platforms

The Mammoth Unlimited Membership is an all-access pass to the Mammoth Interactive school library. That means you get 1,700 hours of content. And not just content but courses and masterclasses that teach a step-by-step, holistic curriculum.

Now that's something you can boast about on LinkedIn.

Most courses teach you just enough to get you done with a project completed, but our school library provides you with a huge catalog of courses while also showing you how to become the most in-demand developer who thinks like an experienced pro.

Most people think they can learn to code and that's it, but...

Having The Same Skills Isn't Enough Anymore

With the pace at which technology evolves, you must consistently learn the most hireable and useful skills. With our school library, you can trust that you are saving time and money by learning in the most efficient way possible.

You see, learning to code is only half of the equation. The other half is maintaining your skills so that you can get that promotion or release a profitable product in your spare time.

With the right school, you can be the first to know about what software will be most popular next, and be the first to learn them. You can be a high value knowledge worker and stay competitive.


You'll Be Ahead Of The Trends

Mammoth Interactive Course

While everyone else is still trying to grapple with an old language, you'll have a sharp, future-oriented mindset and can be the first to talk about what everyone will be learning next year to try to keep up.

You can be like one of those early birds back in 2014, who were able to be the first to produce iPhone apps with Swift and release on the App Store with barely any competition.

That’s exactly what you'll get with the Mammoth Unlimited Membership.

Yes, you’re going to learn any course you want, anytime, but more importantly…

You're Going To Love New Courses

You're going to learn new programming languages and ways to leverage them that are so good you'll be surprised at how useful your own projects are.

You're going to learn transferable skills that could save you hours at your job.

You're going to amaze others at how quickly you can learn because you have mastered an efficient learning style. No more random YouTube tutorials!

And you're going to have confidence in your skills that will give you the courage to pursue bigger opportunities...

You'll Be A Strategic Learner

You'll be taking a new course not because your job is at risk without that skill, but because you're excited to find out what will be the next bullet to add to your resume, project to grow your portfolio, or tool you can discover before anyone else does.

I know these are big promises, but I also know I can deliver…

Because 1.6 million happy students have already enrolled at Mammoth Interactive and forever changed the way they think about work.

Student Game

Intergalactic Zoo Android Game by Mammoth Interactive student Rich

A Similar College Course Would Cost You Thousands Of Dollars

Not only that, but colleges are behind on topics because of long, mandatory applications for curriculum approval. That makes it really hard for professors to stay up to date on cutting-edge tools. Like TensorFlow, which just updated to 2.0.

We teach only the most recent tools and most popular programming languages. You’ll get all source code to check your work, along with an entire community and instructor Q&A support.

In just a few short weeks you can be adding your next skill (Machine learning? Unity? JavaScript?) to your resume with proof to back it up.

Or you can keep doing what you’re doing now.

The choice is yours.

But first, I have to warn you about something:

Spots are limited, and this sale won't last forever.

All sales are final. Due to the nature of our products/services, we are unable to offer refunds. Email support(at) with any inquiries. Enroll below!

"Just an amazing amount of content, very easy to follow along and combine previous lessons with current ones."

- Mike Forde, Game Developer

"Looks to be a good high-level grounding into the basics of machine learning and data science. Easy to understand."

- Richard L Burnett, Emergency Management

"I have a few Mammoth Courses, but this is the best one so far. John Bura is funny, he explains everything well, very understandable even for beginners. I fully recommend this course for newbies."

- Gabriele Giles, App Developer

Your Instructor

John Bura
John Bura

John has been programming since 1997 and teaching since 2002. He has been contracted by many different companies to provide game design, audio, programming, level design and project management.

To this day John has contributed to 40 commercial games. Several of the games he has produced have risen to the Top 10 in the Apple's App Store.

His expertise is in e-learning, entrepreneurship, programming, software development, and game development. He is also a new father of two kids.

Mammoth Interactive is a leading online course provider in everything from learning to code to becoming a YouTube star. Mammoth Interactive courses have been featured on Harvard’s edX, Business Insider and more.

Over 14 years, Mammoth Interactive has built a global student community with over 8 million courses sold. Mammoth Interactive has released over 1,000 course and 5,000 hours of video content.

Founder and CEO John Bura has been programming since 1997 and teaching since 2002. John has created top-selling applications for iOS, Xbox and more. John also runs SaaS company Devonian Apps, building efficiency-minded software for technology workers like you.

More Reviews from the Community

Reviews on various Mammoth Interactive courses.

Courses Included with Purchase

The Complete Excel, ChatGPT, AI Online Course Mega Bundle
Unleash Unprecedented Growth! Skyrocket Your Career and Business Success to New Heights! 🚀
Team Mammoth
Build Your Own Personal Assistant with AutoGPT and ChatGPT
💡🤖 Transform Your Life with ChatGPT and Auto-GPT: Craft AI-Driven Personal Assistants, Streamline Tasks, Enhance Efficiency 🚀💼
Alexandra Kropf
The Complete Godot Game Development Generative AI Bundle+
Unlock AI and Game Dev with Godot: Dive deep, code games, master AI, and redefine your tech future.
Alexandra Kropf
Learn to Build a ChatGPT Clone, Machine Learning Bundle+
Build chatbots with artificial intelligence! Learn to code in Python. Master data science and supercharge your career! With source code and prompts!
John Bura
Build Midjourney/DALL-E Machine Learning AI Image Clone
Learn the secrets of machine learning, Python and more! Build your own image generation app from scratch with AI. Learn to code!
John Bura
The Complete Unity/Unreal/Godot ChatGPT, AI, Development Bundle+
🎮 Dive into Unity/Unreal/Godot, Explore AI and ChatGPT 🤖🔥 Your all-in-one dev bundle! Code, create, captivate
Igor Aherne
The Complete Unity/Unreal ChatGPT, AI, Development Bundle+
🎮 Dive into Unity/Unreal, Explore AI and ChatGPT 🤖🔥 Your all-in-one dev bundle! Code, create, captivate
Igor Aherne
The Complete Python for Finance Masterclass
The Complete Finance for Python. Learn Algorithmic Trading.
Alexandra Kropf
The Complete Web Development and Machine Learning Bundle
Learn how to become a web / app / machine learning developer. Get a huge bundle of courses for a recession-proof career.
Alexandra Kropf
The Complete Machine Learning Online Course 4.0 + Bundle
Enroll in the most complete course bundle that teaches ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE to code in Python and master machine learning models!
Alexandra Kropf
The Complete Photoshop/Illustrator Graphic Design Bundle
John Bura
Camtasia Masterclass: Become a YouTube Star & Video Creator!
Make YouTube videos, live action gaming, marketing videos, screen captures and presentations! Video production mastery.
Ken Walker
3D Modeling Made Easy - Master Blender from Scratch
Learn to build tons of models!
Tami Coker
3D Modeling with Blender 3.3 for Beginners
Learn to build tons of models!
Tami Coker
The Complete ChatGPT Automation Masterclass for Coaches and Trainers
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT: Automate and Enhance Your Coaching and Training Journey
James Dabalus
Build an Android App in 1 Hour
Alexandra Kropf
Build Video Game Pixel Art Shading In Piskel
Video Game Pixel Art Shading: Master Piskel for captivating game art shading techniques.
Adom Shams
Build An RPG Game Mockup In Piskel
Create captivating game visuals using Piskel for an immersive gaming experience.
Adom Shams
Build RPG Game Art And Animations In Piskel
RPG Game Art & Animations: Piskel Mastery.
Adom Shams
Build an 8-bit video game map in Piskel
Adom Shams
Build exterior home pixel game art in Piskel
Adom Shams
Build 8-bit home pixel game art in Piskel
Adom Shams
Build 8-bit interior pixel game art assets in Piskel
Adom Shams
Build 8-bit Game Environment and UI Pixel Art Assets
Adom Shams
Build a 2D Pixel Art Space Arcade Game in Unity
Build a 2D Space Invader Type Game in Unity with Pixel Art
Igor Aherne
Build Dungeons and Castles Unity Game with Animations
Igor Aherne
Build a Dialogue Quest Line 2D Unity Game with Pixel Art
Igor Aherne
Build a 2D Pixel Art Platformer in Unreal Engine 5
Alexandra Kropf
Build a 2D Pixel Art Topdown Game in Unreal Engine 5
Alexandra Kropf
Build Retro Run and Gun Action Game Pixel Art
Adom Shams
Build Video Game Assets in Piskel
Build art assets for your games in this zero to hero course.
Kristen H.
Build and Animate a Platform Character in Piskel
Build art assets for your games in this zero to hero course.
Kristen H.
Build a Platform Environment in Piskel
Build art assets for your games in this zero to hero course.
Kristen H.
Build Character Video Games Sprites in Piskel
Build art assets for your games in this zero to hero course.
Kristen H.
Advanced pixel art character design in Piskel
Adom Shams
Build 8x8 and 16x16 Pixel Art Character
Adom Shams
Build pixel art game map puzzles and jumps
Adom Shams
Build 16x16 Pixel Art Map in Piskel
Adom Shams
Build a sidescroller speedrunner map in Piskel
Adom Shams
Build Pixel Game Map Animations in Piskel
Adom Shams
Build 64x64 Pixel Game Map in Piskel
Adom Shams
Build 32x32 Pixel Game Map in Piskel
Adom Shams
Build 16x16 Pixel Game Map in Piskel
Adom Shams
Build 8x8 Game Map in Piskel
Adom Shams
Build 64x64 Game Map Tiles and Animations in Piskel
Adom Shams
Build 32x32 Map Sprites and Animations in Piskel
Adom Shams
Build 16x16 Game Map Pixel Art in Piskel
Adom Shams
Build 8x8 game map sprites in Piskel
Adom Shams
Build 128x128 outer space pixel art in Piskel
Build 64x64 Forest Pixel Art in Piskel
Build 32x32 Elephant pixel art in Piskel
Build 16x16 Morphing Fruits Pixel Art in Piskel
Build 8x8 cloud pixel art in Piskel
Build General RPG Game Characters Pixel Art In Piskel
Adom Shams
Build Simulator Game Characters Pixel Art In Piskel
Adom Shams
Build Animal Monster Game Character Pixel Art In Piskel
Adom Shams
Build Monster Game Character Pixel Art In Piskel
Adom Shams
Build RPG Warrior Game Character Pixel Art In Piskel
Adom Shams
Build Video Game Pixel Art Materials In Piskel
Create captivating game materials in Piskel for immersive gaming experiences.
Adom Shams
Build Game Environment Pixel Art Materials In Piskel
Game Environment Pixel Art: Craft materials in Piskel for stunning game environments.
Adom Shams
MERN Stack E-Commerce Masterclass - Build and Deploy Fullstack Online Stores
Master the MERN stack by building and deploying full-featured e-commerce applications.
Osama Zaidiah
Set Up Express Web Backend And MongoDB Database
Osama Zaidiah
Build Python Linked Lists with Time and Space Complexity
This course teaches Python linked list implementation and analysis of time and space complexity.
Alexandra Kropf
Build Python Heaps with Time and Space Complexity
Learn to implement efficient Python heaps with optimized time and space complexities.
Alexandra Kropf
Build Python Tree Data Structures with Time and Space Complexity
Learn about Python tree data structure implementation and analysis of time and space complexity.
Alexandra Kropf
Learn Python Sorting with Time and Space Complexity
Explore efficient sorting algorithms in Python, emphasizing time and space complexity analysis.
Alexandra Kropf
Learn Python Arrays with Time and Space Complexity
This course explores Python arrays, emphasizing time and space complexity analysis.
Alexandra Kropf
Authenticate And Manage Users With React In MERN App
Osama Zaidiah
Manage eCommerce Cart with ReactJS
Osama Zaidiah
Build Online Store with React and Vite
Osama Zaidiah
Build User API Routes And Authentication In Express
Osama Zaidiah
Build Modern GUI Apps with Python Tkinter
Do you want to build user interfaces with Python? This course is for you.
Alexandra Kropf
Design a Multi Page iPad App in Xcode
Do you want to build an iPad app with multiple pages? Expand your app design skillset with this hands-on course.
Mehdi Ali
Design a Timer iPad App in Xcode
Do you want to grow your iPad app portfolio? Enroll in this course today.
Mehdi Ali
Design Your First iPad App in Xcode
Do you want to build iPad applications? This course is the perfect place to begin.
Mehdi Ali
Build a Multi Page iPad App with SwiftUI and Swift 5
Do you want to build an iPad app with multiple pages? Expand your app design skillset with this hands-on course.
Mehdi Ali
Build a Pomodoro Timer iPad App with SwiftUI and Swift 5
Do you want to grow your iPad app portfolio? Enroll in this course today.
Mehdi Ali
Build a Greeting iPad App with SwiftUI and Swift 5
Do you want to build iPad applications? This course is the perfect place to begin.
Mehdi Ali
Design Mobile App Animations In Sketch UI
Do you want to learn advanced Sketch techniques for UI design? Enroll in this amazing course.
Carlo Namoca
Design a Mobile App In Sketch UI
Do you want to design a mobile app and website in Sketch? This course was made for you.
Carlo Namoca
Introduction To Sketch UI Design
Get started in Sketch with this absolute beginner friendly course!
Carlo Namoca
Design a Mobile App In Adobe Photoshop
Do you want to build user interfaces in Photoshop? Join this course.
Vladislav Makeev
Advanced Mobile App Prototyping In Adobe XD
Do you want to build advanced user interface and experience designs in Adobe XD? Sign up for this course!
Vladislav Makeev
Design App Micro Interactions In Adobe XD
Do you want to design mobile app and web app user experience? Join this course now.
Vladislav Makeev
Design a Mobile App with Adobe XD
Do you want to design mobile apps in Adobe XD? This project-based course is for you!
Vladislav Makeev
Design Web App User Experience in Adobe XD
Learn to add interactivity to a multipage website designed in Adobe XD.
Vladislav Makeev
Design a Website with Adobe XD
Do you want to design a website in Adobe XD? Join this course today.
Vladislav Makeev
Collaborative Mobile App UI/UX Design In Figma
Do you want to build mobile app prototypes in Figma? Sign up for this course today.
James Dabalus
Design Mobile App Animations and Interactions In Figma
Do you want to design user experience in mobile apps? This Figma course is for you!
James Dabalus
Design Mobile App Graphics and Styles In Figma
Do you want to learn how to add details to mobile app designs? Join this course!
James Dabalus
Design a Mobile App In Figma
Do you want to design a mobile application in Figma? Sign up for this course!
James Dabalus
Getting Started with Figma UI Design
Do you want to design user interfaces in Figma? This course is for you!
James Dabalus
Design Android Navigation Pages with Material Design
Do you want to design navigation menus in Android applications? Sign up for this course today.
Alexandra Kropf
Design a Detail Modal Android UI with Material Design
Do you want to design app pages in Android Studio? This course was made for you!
Alexandra Kropf
Design a Streaming Android App UI with Google Material Design
Do you want to grow your app developer portfolio? Enroll in this course today!
Alexandra Kropf
Getting Started with Google Material Design For Android Apps
Do you want to design Android applications? This course is for you.
Alexandra Kropf
Design a Website with Python and Flask
Do you want to build a website with Python and its Flask library? This course was designed for you.
Alexandra Kropf
Build Dashboard Web Apps with Python Plotly
Do you want to build websites that display data visualizations with Python? This course is perfect for you.
Alexandra Kropf
Design Dashboards with Python Dash
You’ll build a stock dicker dashboard with the Pandas and Dash libraries
Alexandra Kropf
Design an eCommerce Blog Wordpress Theme
Do you want to add a blog to your online shop with Wordpress, WooCommerce and Elementor? Enroll in this course today.
Alexandra Kropf
Design an Online Shop with Wordpress
Do you want to design an eCommerce theme with Wordpress, WooCommerce and Elementor? This course is for you.
Alexandra Kropf
Build Custom Templates For Wordpress Site Pages
Do you want to build custom page templates for Wordpress websites? This course was made for you.
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Wordpress Blog Theme
Do you want to design a blog theme on Wordpress? This course is for you.
Alexandra Kropf
Build Your First Wordpress Theme
Do you want to design Wordpress websites? Get started in this course today.
Alexandra Kropf
Visualize Data with ChartJS and ReactJS
Expand your frontend design skills with this course. Don’t miss out!
Alexandra Kropf
Design a Pricing Modal with React and Material-UI
Practice your coding skills with JavaScript to build the website functionality. Don’t miss out on this course!
Alexandra Kropf
Design a Landing Page with React and Material-UI
Enroll in this course to build your frontend development skills with React, JavaScript and Material-UI.
Alexandra Kropf
Design Navigation Bar and Footer with React and Material-UI
Build a responsive navigation bar and footer with ReactJS and Material-UI.
Alexandra Kropf
Design a Grid Layout with React and Material-UI
Do you want to design web layouts? You’ve come to the right place.
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Website with React and Material-UI
Learn to get started with ReactJS and MUI, a suite of user interface tools.
Alexandra Kropf
Web App Design in React
Enroll in this course to build a practical beginner project with React. Start today!
Alexandra Kropf
Design an ECommerce Website with Bootstrap
Do you want to design an online shop webpage quickly? Bootstrap makes it easy to do so.
Alexandra Kropf
Design a Website with Bootstrap
Do you want to design a simple website with Bootstrap, HTML and CSS? Enroll in this course today.
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to Web Design with Bootstrap
Do you want a fast way to style website? This course is for you!
Alexandra Kropf
Design Your First Website Animation with HTML and CSS
Do you want to build a simple animation in a website? This course is for you!
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction To HTML and CSS Web Design
Do you want to learn how to become a web designer or web developer? Start your journey with this beginners course.
Alexandra Kropf
White Hat Hacking with Python (Membership Only)
Only available in the Mammoth Unlimited Membership
Alexandra Kropf
The Complete Music Production Masterclass In Logic Pro
Nicklas Kragbe
Backend Web Developer Interview Questions
Do you need help passing web development interview questions? This course will help!
Alexandra Kropf
Video Editing, Color Grading And Animation In DaVinci
Master DaVinci Resolve for comprehensive video editing, precise color grading, and animations.
James Dabalus
Advanced Video Editing In DaVinci Resolve
Advanced Resolve Editing: Master Video Editing.
James Dabalus
Edit Media Clips In DaVinci Resolve
Master DaVinci Resolve for seamless media clip editing.
James Dabalus
Build Transitions With Clip Tools In DaVinci Resolve
Master DaVinci Resolve for seamless video transitions.
James Dabalus
Edit Videos In The Cut Page In DaVinci Resolve
Master DaVinci Resolve for efficient video editing in the Cut Page.
James Dabalus
Python Software Developer Interview Questions
Refresh your Python knowledge and solve new problems with the most common beginner interview questions asked by FANG companies.
Alexandra Kropf
Build Robots in Unreal Engine 5 with Blueprints
Do you want to learn robotics in the Unreal game engine? This course is for you!
Alexandra Kropf
Game Development in Unity with Visual Scripting
Do you want to learn coding in a visual manner? This Unity Visual Scripting course is for you!
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to Game Development in Unity for Absolute Beginners
Do you want to learn the fundamentals of game development in a simple, user-friendly game engine? This Unity course was made for you!
Alexandra Kropf
Unity and C# Complete Beginner’s Guide - Build Games from Scratch
Do you want to learn the fundamentals of game development in a simple, user-friendly game engine? This Unity course was made for you!
Alexandra Kropf
Learn to Code with Blueprint Visual Scripting in Unreal Engine 5
Do you want to build games in a powerful engine? Get started in this beginner-friendly Unreal Engine 5 course!
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to Game Development in Unreal Engine 5 for All Ages
Do you want to build games in a powerful engine? Get started in this beginner-friendly Unreal Engine 5 course!
Alexandra Kropf
Build Machine Learning Websites with Tensorflow.js
Do you want to build websites that use machine learning models from Google’s artificial intelligence library? Enroll in this course!
Alexandra Kropf
Build Artificial Intelligence Models on Video Data
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
Design A Mobile App With Figma UI and UX Design
Do you want to design user interfaces in Figma? This course is for you!
James Dabalus
Build Illustrator Game Art for 2D Drag and Launch App
Creating Art assets for a 2D Drag and Launch App Game
Kevin Liao
Build Photoshop Game Art for 2D Bird Sidescroller
Creating the Art Assets for a simple 2D App Game
Kevin Liao
Build Photoshop and MagicaVoxel Pixel Game Art and Animation
Making Art Assets for a 2D Platformer Shooter Game
Kevin Liao
3D Model Game Art for Battle Royale
Making 3D Assets for a Battle Royale game
Kevin Liao
Adobe Illustrator Fundamentals for Everyone
Illustrator Fundamentals: Adobe for All.
James Dabalus
10-Hour Photoshop Course Bundle
10-Hour Photoshop Bundle: Master Photoshop Skills.
James Dabalus
Build Neural Networks for Computer Vision with Python
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
Analyze Images with OpenCV and Python
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
Beginners Machine Learning and Data Science with Python
Learn how to use popular Python libraries. Learn machine learning and artificial intelligence from scratch.
Nimish Narang
Build a Logistic Regression Android App with Tensorflow and Python
Do you want to use artificial intelligence in your Android apps? Enroll in this course to learn how!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Linear Regression Android App with Tensorflow Lite and Python
Do you want to use artificial intelligence in your Android apps? Enroll in this course to learn how!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Multi-Page iOS App with SwiftUI
Do you want to learn the fundamentals of iOS app development? This course was made for you.
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Pomodoro Timer iOS App in Xcode with SwiftUI
Do you want to learn the fundamentals of iOS app development? This course was made for you.
Alexandra Kropf
Build Your First Simple iOS Apps with SwiftUI
Do you want to learn the fundamentals of iOS app development? This course was made for you.
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to Xcode and Swift Coding for iOS App Development
Do you want to learn the fundamentals of iOS app development? This course was made for you.
Alexandra Kropf
Build a To Do List Android App with Kotlin Coding
Build Android applications!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Price Watch Android App with Http and Kotlin
Build Android applications!
Alexandra Kropf
Build an Android App with Data Binding and Kotlin
Build Android applications!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Card Maker App with Android Studio and Kotlin
Build Android applications!
Alexandra Kropf
Build an Information Android App with Kotlin Coding
Build Android applications!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Random Number Android App with Kotlin Programming
Build Android applications!
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to Android Studio and Kotlin Programming
Build Android applications!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a RESTful API with Validation and Testing
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a RESTful API with Express, Node.js and MongoDB
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a CRUD App with MongoDB, Node.js, Express and EJS
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Count Site Visitors with MongoDB, Node.js, Express and EJS
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Connect to MongoDB with Node.js and Mongoose
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Backend Development with Node.js Web Servers
A Compact Course for beginners! Learn a rising and FREE web programming platform Node.js, which builds fast server apps.
Chris Veillette
Build a Database Website with Vue.js
Do you want to manage user interfaces with the Vue.js framework? This course is for you!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a To Do List App with Vue.js
Do you want to manage user interfaces with the Vue.js framework? This course is for you!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Landing Page with Vue.js
Do you want to manage user interfaces with the Vue.js framework? This course is for you!
Alexandra Kropf
Vue.js Fundamentals for Web App Development
Do you want to manage user interfaces with the Vue.js framework? This course is for you!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Responsive App in React Native
Do you want to build mobile web apps? React Native is for you.
Ashwani Mangy
Build Your First React Native App
Do you want to build mobile web apps? React Native is for you.
Ashwani Mangy
Build a 2D Browser Game with HTML Canvas and JavaScript
Do you want to learn to code? This course is the perfect place to start.
Alexandra Kropf
Connect to APIs with Beginners JavaScript Coding
Do you want to learn to code? This course is the perfect place to start.
Alexandra Kropf
Build Websites with JavaScript for Absolute Beginners
Do you want to learn to code? This course is the perfect place to start.
Alexandra Kropf
Build Machine Learning Models and Neural Networks
Do you want to build machine learning and deep learning models? Enroll in this course!
Alexandra Kropf
HTML and CSS Computer Science Fundamentals
Do you want to learn the core tools for web development? HTML and CSS are essential for every web developer or design to know.
Alexandra Kropf
Beginners Robotics From Scratch with Unreal Engine 5
Do you want to learn robotics in the Unreal game engine? This course is for you!
Alexandra Kropf
Unity Game Development for Absolute Beginners and All Ages - Full Spectrum Bundle
Do you want to learn the fundamentals of game development in a simple, user-friendly game engine? This Unity course was made for you!
Alexandra Kropf
Crash Course - English for Programmers - Pass Software Interview Questions
Learn English for technical software development interview preparation!
Alexandra Kropf
1 Hour Keras Machine Learning
Build models with Python, TensorFlow, PyCharm, APIs & CIFAR-10. Learn machine learning, neural networks, & convolutions!
Nimish Narang
Unreal NFT Game Development
! Do you want to build video games that use NFTs? Look no further.
Alexandra Kropf
Unreal Dapp Development with Web3 Transactions
Do you want to enable Web3 transactions in your Unreal games? Join this course.
Alexandra Kropf
Unity NFT Game Development
Do you want to learn to implement cryptocurrencies, blockchain, Web3 and Non-Fungible Tokens in video games? This course is for you!
Alexandra Kropf
Build Exponential Moving Average Trading Strategy for Crypto with Python
Do you want to build an EMA trading strategy with code? This course is for you.
Alexandra Kropf
Build Trading Strategies for Crypto with Python
You’ll apply three moving averages to data and find the price trend. Wait for the price to pull back and move in the direction of the trend to make your entry. Enroll now.
Alexandra Kropf
Build Classification Machine Learning Models for Crypto Stocks
Do you want to classify stocks into different groups based on their features? Instead of manually sorting through data, why not give Python a try?
Alexandra Kropf
Build Tree Machine Learning Models for Crypto Stocks
Do you want to expand your machine learning techniques with more regression models? Sign up today.
Alexandra Kropf
Build Regression Machine Learning Models for Crypto Stocks
Do you want to make intelligent decisions on the stock market? Take advantage of the power of machine learning.
Alexandra Kropf
Python Crypto Trading Strategies
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Trading Strategy with Indicators
Do you want to build a trading strategy with Python? This course is for you.
Alexandra Kropf
Time Series Stock Forecasting On Crypto with Python
Do you want to learn time series forecasting in Python? This course is perfect for you.
Alexandra Kropf
Crypto Stock Portfolio Analysis With Python
Do you want to analyze your stock portfolio with code? Python is the most efficient and powerful language to work with data and make predictions.
Alexandra Kropf
Python Crypto Stock Analysis and Trading Strategies
Alexandra Kropf
Intermediate Python Programming for Data Science
No math or programming experience necessary.
Nimish Narang
Beginners Python Programming for Data Science
No math or programming experience necessary.
Nimish Narang
Advanced Python Programming
No math or programming experience necessary.
Nimish Narang
AssemblyScript Dapp Development on NEAR Blockchain
Build decentralized apps for WebAssembly
Alexandra Kropf
Rust and TypeScript Social Media NEAR Dapp Development
Build social networking decentralized apps that connect to the blockchain
Alexandra Kropf
C# Programming for All Ages and Absolute Beginners with Interview Questions
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to C# Coding Concepts
Alexandra Kropf
Build C# Design Patterns
Alexandra Kropf
Build a CRUD Web App with C# ASP NET Core
Alexandra Kropf
Godot Game Development for Absolute Beginners and All Ages
Embark on an exciting journey into game development with Godot, perfect for absolute beginners of all ages.
Alexandra Kropf
Learn Beginner Machine Learning in 1 Hour
Alexandra Kropf
Build Your First Game with Python in 1 Hour
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Simple Chat Application with Express.js
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Web Server with Node.js in 1 Hour
Alexandra Kropf
Build Your First Game with JavaScript in 1 Hour
Alexandra Kropf
Style Your First Website with CSS in 1 Hour
Alexandra Kropf
Build Your First Website with HTML in 1 Hour
Alexandra Kropf
Build Marketplace Smart Contract and React.js Dapp for NEAR
eCommerce decentralized app development for the blockchain
Alexandra Kropf
Build Social Media Smart Contracts in TS and Rust for NEAR
Code in TypeScript and Rust. Build contracts on the NEAR blockchain!
Alexandra Kropf
Build automated tests for Rust smart contracts on NEAR
Unit testing in the Rust programming language for the blockchain
Alexandra Kropf
Build a social networking Rust smart contract for NEAR Blockchain
Social media development through automated smart contracts
Alexandra Kropf
Build a question and answer discussion Rust smart contract for NEAR Blockchain
Code in Rust. Develop messageboard smart contract!
Alexandra Kropf
Build NFT smart contract in Rust for NEAR Blockchain
Non-fungible token development with the Rust programming language
Alexandra Kropf
Build a fungible token smart contract in Rust for NEAR
Cryptocurrency token development in the Rust programming language
Alexandra Kropf
Build a NEAR chat smart contract in Rust
Development for the Blockchain in the Rust programming language
Alexandra Kropf
Build a NEAR counter smart contract in Rust
Blockchain smart contract development with the Rust coding language
Alexandra Kropf
Build automated tests for NEAR smart contracts with Ava JS
Unit testing with JavaScript
Alexandra Kropf
Build a NEAR social media dapp with TypeScript and React JS
Build a social networking decentralized app with React.js
Alexandra Kropf
Build a question and answer thread React dapp with NEAR smart contract
Q&A contract and decentralized app development for the NEAR blockchain
Alexandra Kropf
Build a chat dapp with React JS for NEAR
Messageboard decentralized app development with TypeScript and JavaScript
Alexandra Kropf
Build NFT Minting Dapp with JavaScript for NEAR Blockchain
Non-fungible token decentralized app development
Alexandra Kropf
Build counter TypeScript smart contract for NEAR blockchain
Simple automated contract development with the TypeScript coding language!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a cryptocurrency token NEAR contract with TypeScript
Fungible token development with TypeScript smart contracts!
Alexandra Kropf
Build NFT NEAR Smart Contract with JavaScript
Code in JavaScript. Develop Non-fungible tokens on the NEAR blockchain!
Alexandra Kropf
Mint NFTs With Pre-Deployed NEAR Contract
Interact with smart contracts through the command line!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Fundraising Rust Smart Contract with NEAR CLI and Cargo
Donation contract development with the Rust coding language! Use the command line and Cargo package manager.
Alexandra Kropf
Rust Hello World Smart Contract Development for NEAR Blockchain
Code in Rust! Build contracts for the blockchain.
Alexandra Kropf
TypeScript NEAR Hello World Smart Contract and Dapp Development
Code in TypeScript! Build contracts and decentralized apps on the blockchain.
Alexandra Kropf
Build Blockchain Transactions in Unity Games
Do you want to learn how to enable blockchain transactions in video games? This course is for you!
Alexandra Kropf
Marketplace Dapp Development with AssemblyScript for NEAR Blockchain
Build eCommerce decentralized apps with AssemblyScript and JavaScript!
Alexandra Kropf
NEAR AssemblyScript Marketplace Smart Contract Development
Build eCommerce contracts on the NEAR blockchain!
Alexandra Kropf
AssemblyScript Smart Contract Development for Beginners
Compile and deploy smart contract with NEAR CLI
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to the Stock Market
Do you want to get into the stock market? Learn the fundamentals of what aspiring traders need to know.
Alexandra Kropf
Generate and Fund Cardano Wallet with CLI
Do you want to develop smart contracts and make transactions over the Cardano blockchain?
Alexandra Kropf
Getting Started with Cardano Blockchain Development
Do you want to build projects on the Cardano blockchain?
Alexandra Kropf
Run Cardano Node with Command Line Interface
Do you want to connect to the Cardano blockchain? Learn how to use your command line application to run a Cardano node.
Alexandra Kropf
Python Crypto Machine Learning
Alexandra Kropf
Hands-On Cardano Blockchain Crash Course
Alexandra Kropf
XRPL Blockchain Web3 Development with JavaScript
Do you want to learn to use a blockchain developed primarily with the financial industry in mind? Enroll now to learn about the XRP ledger.
Alexandra Kropf
Decentraland 3D Web3 Development with TypeScript
Alexandra Kropf
Build NFT with Brownie Python for Ethereum
Do you want to build a Non-Fungible Token project with the Python programming language? Look no further.
Alexandra Kropf
Automate Blockchain Smart Contracts With Brownie Python
Do you want to develop smart contracts faster? Take advantage of Python automation in this course.
Alexandra Kropf
Build Ethereum Smart Contract With Brownie Python
Do you want to build smart contracts with Python? You’ve come to the right place.
Alexandra Kropf
Build NFT Dapp with Solidity and OpenZeppelin
Build a Dapp with Truffle, Ganache, MetaMask, React and more. Start your Blockchain developer journey and get that 6-figure job in a hot new field.
Alexandra Kropf
Build ERC721 NFT Smart Contract With Solidity
Start your Blockchain developer journey and get that 6-figure job in a hot new field.
Alexandra Kropf
Build To Do List Dapp With Solidity And ReactJS
Do you want to transform a regular web app into a decentralized powerhouse? Enroll in this course!
Alexandra Kropf
Build NFT Minting Dapp With Truffle and React
Decentralized Application Design and Development
Alexandra Kropf
Hardhat NFT Smart Contract Development for Ethereum
Decentralized Application Design and Development
Alexandra Kropf
Build NFT Contract with Truffle and OpenZeppelin for OpenSea
Do you want to build a non-fungible token? This course is for you.
Alexandra Kropf
Show Ethereum Account and Network in Decentralized App
Do you want to learn how to build decentralized apps? This course is for you.
Alexandra Kropf
Connect to Cryptocurrency Wallet in React Dapp
Decentralized Application Design and Development
Alexandra Kropf
Build A Counter Decentralized Web App with Vanilla JavaScript
Web3 is revolutionizing the web and its development. If you don’t learn Web3, you will get left behind.
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Solidity Social Media Smart Contract with Truffle for Ethereum
Build Blockchain Backend For Social Media Smart Contracts
Alexandra Kropf
Build ReactJS Social Media Dapp with Web3 and MetaMask
Build Social Media Dapp with Truffle for Ethereum
Alexandra Kropf
Python and NumPy for Data Science: Mastering the Foundations
Machine learning is quickly becoming a required skill for every software developer.
Nimish Narang
Truffle Fullstack dApp Development with React, Solidity and JavaScript
Buff your skills to keep your job and get a raise in ANY economic climate. This course BUNDLE keeps your skills sharp and your paycheque up
Alexandra Kropf
Data Transformation for Machine Learning
Buff your skills to keep your job and get a raise in ANY economic climate. This course BUNDLE keeps your skills sharp and your paycheque up
Alexandra Kropf
Machine Learning Prerequisite Crash Course
Buff your skills to keep your job and get a raise in ANY economic climate. This course BUNDLE keeps your skills sharp and your paycheque up
Alexandra Kropf
Differential Privacy and Federated Learning with Python
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Build Machine Learning Models on Cryptocurrency Data
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Advanced Machine Learning for the Blockchain
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Deep Learning for Stock Market Prediction
Build machine learning models for trading stocks.
Alexandra Kropf
Machine Learning and Data Science for Stock Market Prediction
Build machine learning models for trading stocks.
Alexandra Kropf
Build Ethereum Social Media Dapp with Truffle and React
Buff your skills to keep your job and get a raise in ANY economic climate. This course BUNDLE keeps your skills sharp and your paycheque up
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to JavaScript Programming
Maaz Muhammad
Smart Contract Development with Solidity, Web3, Ganache and Truffle
Build Smart Contracts with Remix, Web3, Ganache and Truffle
Alexandra Kropf
Beginners Solidity Programming for Ethereum Smart Contracts
Build Smart Contracts with Remix, Web3, Ganache and Truffle
Alexandra Kropf
Command Line Fundamentals Crash Course
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Build Your First 2 Data Apps with Amazon Honeycode
Amazon Honeycode combines the familiar interface of a spreadsheet with the data management capability of a database.
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Content Tracker App with Amazon Honeycode
Amazon Honeycode combines the familiar interface of a spreadsheet with the data management capability of a database.
Alexandra Kropf
Build 3 Data Management Apps with Amazon Honeycode
Amazon Honeycode combines the familiar interface of a spreadsheet with the data management capability of a database.
Alexandra Kropf
Automate Mouse Actions with Selenium Python
Automate your spreadsheets and boring work with Python programming.
Alexandra Kropf
Automate Web Tasks with Selenium Python
Automate your spreadsheets and boring work with Python programming.
Alexandra Kropf
Automate Browser Commands with Selenium Python
Automate your spreadsheets and boring work with Python programming.
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to HTML Web Design
Learn the basics of HTML programming in only one hour!
John Bura
Beginners Python Programming Fundamentals
No math or programming experience necessary.
Nimish Narang
Intermediate Python Programming Fundamentals
No math or programming experience necessary.
Nimish Narang
Advanced Python Programming Fundamentals
No math or programming experience necessary.
Nimish Narang
Intermediate Excel VBA Automation Programming
Learn to code and automate Excel with Visual Basic for applications.
Alexandra Kropf
Fundamental Excel VBA Automation Programming
Learn to code and automate Excel with Visual Basic for applications.
Alexandra Kropf
Excel Power BI Data Visualization
Learn to use Power BI and code in DAX.
Kumail Raza
Excel Power BI and DAX with Artificial Intelligence
Learn to use Power BI and code in DAX.
Kumail Raza
Intermediate Excel Automation with Power Query and M Query Language
Learn how to use Power Query and code in the M formula language in Excel.
Alexandra Kropf
Beginners Excel Automation with Power Query and M Query Language
Learn how to use Power Query and code in the M formula language in Excel.
Alexandra Kropf
Build Finance Methods in Excel
Learn Excel statement models and finance models.
Mihai Petrisor
Build a Financial Balance Sheet in Excel
Learn Excel statement models and finance models.
Mihai Petrisor
Build a Profit and Loss Financial Statement Model in Excel
Learn Excel statement models and finance models.
Mihai Petrisor
Build 6 Advanced Excel Graphs with Pivot Charts, Slicers and More
Learn how to build Excel charts and visualize data.
Mihai Petrisor
Build 18 Beginner Excel Charts and Graphs
Learn how to build Excel charts and visualize data.
Mihai Petrisor
Beginners Excel Chart Design
Learn how to build Excel charts and visualize data.
Mihai Petrisor
Connect Excel PivotTables to Databases
Work with PivotTables and databases in this career advancing course.
Mihai Petrisor
Hack Productivity with List Excel Functions and Useful Tips
Accelerate your Excel skills by mastering advanced Excel functions.
Mihai Petrisor
Build Date and Text Functions in Excel Spreadsheets
Accelerate your Excel skills by mastering advanced Excel functions.
Mihai Petrisor
Sales Report Analysis and Slicing with Excel PivotTables
Work with PivotTables and databases in this career advancing course.
Mihai Petrisor
Fundamental Excel PivotTables - Build an Expense Report And More
Work with PivotTables and databases in this career advancing course.
Mihai Petrisor
Build Beginner Lookup and Finance Functions in Excel Spreadsheets
Accelerate your Excel skills by mastering advanced Excel functions.
Mihai Petrisor
Software Principles of API Design
Alexandra Kropf
Principles of Software Engineering III - System Design
Alexandra Kropf
Principles of Software Engineering II - UML and Development Models
Alexandra Kropf
Principles of Software Engineering I
Alexandra Kropf
Maintainable Code with Automated Testing and Test Driven Development
Alexandra Kropf
Machine Learning Theory for Business
Alexandra Kropf
Data Structures Mastery - Visualizing with Time and Space Complexity
Achieve mastery over data structures with visual aids and an in-depth focus on time and space complexity.
Alexandra Kropf
Data Structures and Algorithm Theory with Time and Space Complexity
Alexandra Kropf
JavaScript Web Development for All Ages and Absolute Beginners
Do you want to learn to code? This course is the perfect place to start.
Alexandra Kropf
Unreal Engine 5 Mastery for Beginners - Start Building Games Today
Do you want to build games in a powerful engine? Get started in this beginner-friendly Unreal Engine 5 course!
Alexandra Kropf
Unreal Engine 5 Game Development for Absolute Beginners and All Ages
Do you want to build games in a powerful engine? Get started in this beginner-friendly Unreal Engine 5 course!
Alexandra Kropf
Metaplex Candy NFT Automation and Solana Dapp Development
Do you want to build NFTs quickly? The fastest method for development and minting is with the Metaplex Candy Machine software on the Solana blockchain.
Alexandra Kropf
Scratch Coding for All Ages and Absolute Beginners
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to Unreal blueprint game development
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to game development with Unity visual scripting
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
Python Fundamentals for Machine Learning
No math or programming experience necessary.
Nimish Narang
Build an Image Segmentation Deep Learning Model with Python from Unreal Engine 5 Generated Images
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a 3D Virtual Reality Zombie First Person Shooter Game in Unity C#
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Code a Video Game with Unity C#
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Create an image dataset for AI with Unreal Engine 5
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Machine Learning Model in Unity C#
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Create Your First AR app in Unreal Engine 5
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Make a Beginner AR app in Unity
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Build VR in Unreal Engine 5 with Blueprints
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Build 3D and Virtual Reality Skydiving Games in Unity C#
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Video Game with Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
C# Programming Fundamentals
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Fredy Flores
Find a Job with iOS Development
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
Get Hired with AWS Certification
Learn how to pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect (CSA) - Associate Exam.
Anushik Hovhannisyan
Build Your Resume with Financial Analysis
Learn Excel statement models and finance models.
Mihai Petrisor
Node.js for Jobs Skills
Maaz Muhammad
Unreal for Interview Preparation
Alexandra Kropf
Machine Learning for the Career Hunt
Build a full portfolio with practical machine learning projects.
Alexandra Kropf
Unity for Entry Level Job Seekers
Alexandra Kropf
Microsoft Power BI for Career Preparation
Learn to use Power BI and code in DAX.
Kumail Raza
Data Science for Employment
Learn how to use popular Python libraries. Learn machine learning and artificial intelligence from scratch.
Nimish Narang
React.js for the Job Interview
Build An Amazing App With React
Faizan Khan
Learn JavaScript to Survive the Recession
Maaz Muhammad
Recession-Proof Web Development Skills
John Bura
Python for Job Seekers
Alexandra Kropf
The Complete Unity/Unreal METAVERSE Game Development Bundle
Build over 100 games. The Metaverse is THE next big money maker in game development. This is YOUR CHANCE to get in on the ground floor.
Alexandra Kropf
The Complete Recession Proof Excel, Machine Learning, Python
Buff your skills to keep your job and get a raise in ANY economic climate. This course BUNDLE keeps your skills sharp and your paycheque up
Alexandra Kropf
Hello Coding 4.0 - The Complete Learn to Code in 99 Days (Levels 1-3)
This is the last coding course you will ever need. Learn everything from beginner to pro. Become a master of Machine Learning.
Alexandra Kropf
Adobe Illustrator in 1 Hour for Video Games
Build vector graphics! Design video game characters, object and backgrounds.
Kristen H.
Learn Python for Finance in 1 Hour
Get into the next big technology wave of Web3, Blockchain, Machine Learning, and Metaverse. Learn to build practical projects.
Alexandra Kropf
Learn Python Automation in 1 Hour
Learn to code in Python! Save time & money to advance your career.
Alexandra Kropf
The Complete Python for Finance, Trading, Web3 & Metaverse (LEVELS 6 - 10)
Levels 6- 10. Get into the next big technology wave of Web3, Blockchain, Machine Learning, and Metaverse. Learn to build practical projects.
Alexandra Kropf
The Complete Python for Finance, Trading, Web3 & Metaverse (LEVELS 1 - 5)
Levels 1-5. Get into the next big technology wave of Web3, Blockchain, Machine Learning, and Metaverse. Learn to build practical projects.
Alexandra Kropf
Beginners Machine Learning Theory in 1 Hour
Learn machine learning and artificial intelligence from scratch.
Nimish Narang
The Complete Python Automation and Machine Learning Bundle
Learn to code in Python! Save time and money to advance your career. Learn web scraping, machine learning, data science, Web3, Blockchain
Alexandra Kropf
Learn PyCharm in 1 Hour
PyCharm is a must-know for every Python developer.
Nimish Narang
The Complete Web3 Python Automation Masterclass
Alexandra Kropf
Build a HomeKit App - The Complete iOS Home Automation Masterclass
Alexandra Kropf
Crack the Code - Unlock Python Regular Expressions
In this course, you’ll dive deep into advanced string search techniques and automation using Python.
Alexandra Kropf
Python Automation Scripting and Regular Expressions
Learn to code in Python! Save time & money to advance your career.
Alexandra Kropf
Google Assistant Automation IoT Development
Google Assistant development with Actions on Google
Alexandra Kropf
Web3 Programming Masterclass - Decentralized Application (Dapp) Development with Blockchain
Decentralized Application Design & Development
Alexandra Kropf
AWS Machine Learning in 1 Hour
Become an Amazon machine learning specialist.
Nimish Narang
Hello Coding 4.0 - The Complete Learn to Code in 99 Days (Levels 4-6)
Part 2 of Hello Coding 4.0. Blockchain, game development, and interview preparation.
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Web App in React in 1 Hour
Become a better web developer by learning a JavaScript library.
Alexandra Kropf
Python and Android TensorFlow Lite - Machine Learning for App Development
Jump into a field with more demand than supply. Apps driven by machine learning are the future of mobile app development
Alexandra Kropf
SwiftUI Augmented Reality with RealityKit and ARKit
Become an iOS Augmented Reality Developer With RealityKit and ARKit
Alexandra Kropf
Complete ChartJS with React Web Development
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
CoreML SwiftUI Masterclass - Machine Learning App Development
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
Swift 5.5 Hacking iOS 15 App Development with SwiftUI 3 and Xcode 13
Do you want to learn the fundamentals of iOS app development? This course was made for you.
Alexandra Kropf
NFT Blockchain Decentralized App Development with Solidity & JavaScript
Build a Dapp with Truffle, Ganache, MetaMask, React and more. Start your Blockchain developer journey and get that 6-figure job in a hot new field.
Alexandra Kropf
Build Neural Networks
Build your supervised and unsupervised neural networks.
Alexandra Kropf
TensorFlow Mastery: Constructing Dynamic Machine Learning Models
Build a full portfolio with practical machine learning projects.
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to Machine Learning and Python Data Science
Learn how to use popular Python libraries. Learn machine learning and artificial intelligence from scratch.
Nimish Narang
Introduction to Python
No math or programming experience necessary.
Nimish Narang
JavaScript 3D Game Development with Babylon JS
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
Ecommerce Website Development with Wordpress, WooCommerce and Elementor
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Wordpress Theme Development Masterclass
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
Photoshop Drawing for Video Games (6 Hours)
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
John Bura
Web Deployment Masterclass
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
Web Development Authentication and Security Masterclass
JavaScript, Node, Express & EJS with MongoDB, Mongoose and Passport and encryption
Alexandra Kropf
Build RESTful APIs with Node, Express and MongoDB
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
Fullstack Web Development Masterclass - Build Websites with Node and MongoDB NoSQL Databases
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Beginners Microsoft Power BI, DAX and Power Query with Artificial Intelligence
Learn to use Power BI and code in DAX.
Kumail Raza
Python 1-Hour Bootcamp
Learn Python hands-on in this text-based bootcamp. 🔥 Start your journey into coding and technology.
Alexandra Kropf
Fundamental Command Line for Beginners - Developer Essentials
In today’s fast-paced tech world, every developer needs to master the command line.
Alexandra Kropf
Linux and Unix Command Line Basics for Bash, Z Shell and Ubuntu
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to Databases with Python SQL
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
SQL Secrets Unveiled - Python’s Guide to Databases
In this course, you'll discover why working with data is a crucial skill for any developer or data professional.
Alexandra Kropf
EJS Fullstack Web Development Masterclass - Build Node Templates and Web Servers
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Bioinformatics Masterclass - Python and TensorFlow for Biology
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Biology with Python and TensorFlow
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Python-Powered Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Neural Networks for Text-to-Speech
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Computer Vision and Deep Learning with OpenCV and Python - Build 15 Projects
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
Advanced Excel Power Query and M Masterclass - Clean and Transform Data
Advanced topics and mini projects in Power Query and the M formula language in Excel.
Alexandra Kropf
Beginners Excel Power Query and M Masterclass - Supercharge Data Transformation
Learn how to use Power Query and code in the M formula language in Excel.
Alexandra Kropf
Unreal 5 C++ Beginners Masterclass - Build a Top Down Game From Scratch
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
Build 2D and 3D Games with Unity Bolt Visual Scripting - Game Development Masterclass
Do you want to learn coding in a visual manner? This Unity Visual Scripting course is for you!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Self Driving Car with Unreal Engine 5, Blueprints and C++
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
Build Your First C++ Game in Unreal Engine 5
Alexandra Kropf
Simple Augmented Reality from Scratch in Unreal Engine 5
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Build Machine Learning Datasets with Unreal Procedural Generation
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Build Realistic Humans in MetaHuman with Unreal 5 Character Animation
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to Unreal 5 for Beginners with Blueprints - UE5 Game Development
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Simple Platformer Game in Unreal Engine 5 - Your First UE5 Game
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Build Your First Simple Virtual Reality Game in Unreal Engine 5
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Machine Learning - Build 12 Models, Decentralized Federated Learning and More
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Unity C# Game Development for Absolute Beginners - Build a First Person Shooter Player from Scratch
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
TensorFlow Unity Beginners Masterclass - Train a Neural Network in a 3D Environment
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
2D Game Development in Unity for Beginners - Build a Block Breaker Game
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Build 3D and VR Games in Unity for Game Development Beginners
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Build Augmented Reality for Absolute Beginners with Unity
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a 3D Multiplayer Battle Royale Game with Unity
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
The Complete Python for Finance: Learn to Trade in 99 Days
Learn programming, financial analysis, algorithmic trading, the stock market, cryptocurrency, blockchains, neural networks and more.
Alexandra Kropf
Beginners Marlowe Haskell for Cardano Blockchain Masterclass - Build 8 Smart Contracts
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Trading Bot Masterclass - Buy Cryptocurrency When Elon Musk Tweets with Sentiment Analysis
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Photography for Beginners
Learn how to handle a camera, take the perfect photo, and perfect your shot with tips from expert photographers.
Faizan Muhammad
Beginners Solidity for Ethereum Blockchain Masterclass - Build Smart Contracts
Build Smart Contracts with Remix, Web3, Ganache and Truffle
Alexandra Kropf
Deep Learning Finance Strategies for Stock Market Success
Build machine learning models for trading stocks.
Alexandra Kropf
Deep Learning and Machine Learning for Stocks Masterclass
Build machine learning models for trading stocks.
Alexandra Kropf
The Complete Recommender Systems Masterclass - Build 7 Projects
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Ultimate Recommender Systems Bootcamp - Build 7 Python Projects
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Electric Guitar for Absolute Beginners
Learn how to play the electric guitar like a PRO
Altin Gjoni
Adobe Premiere Pro CC for Beginners: Become a YouTube Star & Video Creator!
Video Editing Masterclass
Paurush Grover
Build Motion Graphics and Animation with Adobe After Effects
Build a project logo with animation. Render to YouTube. Text animation and more!
Paurush Grover
Feature Analysis and Data Science with Stocks for Beginners
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Cryptocurrency Stock Time Series Analysis and Forecasting with Python and Facebook Prophet
Bitcoin Time Series Analysis with Python and Facebook Prophet
Alexandra Kropf
Predict Stock Trends with Twitter Sentiment Analysis Machine Learning
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Cryptocurrency Algorithmic Trading Masterclass with Python and Coinbase API
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Algorithmic Trading with Python, Statistics and Pandas - Build Investing Strategies
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Build a Stock Ticker Dashboard Web App with Python, Dash and Pandas
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Stock Market Data Analysis and Visualization with Python, Pandas, NumPy, Seaborn and Matplotlib
Learn how to do Stock Market Data Analysis & Visualization with Python
Alexandra Kropf
Video Game Pixel Art Masterclass - Build Assets with Piskel
Build art assets for your games in this zero to hero course.
Kristen H.
Python Chatbot Bootcamp w/ Pandas, NumPy and SciKit (Natural Language Processing - Build 2 Chatbots)
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Python, Seaborn, and Pandas: Fun Exploratory Data Analysis
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization Masterclass with Python
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
Data Mining with Python and NumPy - Build a Video Recommender System
Learn how to build a video recommender through Data Mining with Python and NumPy
Alexandra Kropf
Recommendation Algorithm Development with Python Data Mining
Learn how to build a video recommender through Data Mining with Python and NumPy
Alexandra Kropf
Beginner Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp
Learn Data Science and Machine Learning fast and easy!
Alexandra Kropf
Python Sentiment Analysis with Data Science Foundations
Learn Data Science and Machine Learning fast and easy!
Alexandra Kropf
Python Data Analysis Bootcamp with Pandas and NLTK - Natural Language Processing
Analyze data fast and easy with Python and Pandas
Alexandra Kropf
Scrape the Web - Python and Beautiful Soup Bootcamp
Learn how to scrape websites and build a powerful web
Alexandra Kropf
Build Interactive Python Dashboards with Plotly and Dash
Build an Interactive Python Dashboards
Alexandra Kropf
PySpark - Build DataFrames with Python, Apache Spark and SQL
Build an amazing DataFrames with Python, Apache Spark, and SQL
Alexandra Kropf
Hello Coding 2.0: Anyone Can Learn to Code (80 Hours)
Smash your career goals. Build websites, games, apps and artificial intelligence projects with this 5-course bundle. On sale today with limited spots.
John Bura
Hello Coding 3.0 - Anyone Can Learn to Code in 99 Days (99 Hours)
Master coding in 99 days, 1 hour a day. Plus Hello Coding 2.0 and Hello Coding 1.0. Learn to build websites, apps, plus machine learning and data science.
John Bura
Python and SQLite Bootcamp - Learn to Build Databases
Learn to Build a Databases like a total PRO
Alexandra Kropf
Python and Flask Web Development Bootcamp
Become a Full Stack Web Developer using Flask and Python
Alexandra Kropf
Deep Vision Masterclass with Python Development
Learn deployment of Machine Learning and Deep Learning applications with Python
Alexandra Kropf
Transforming Sketches into Photos - The Deep Learning Masterclass
Learn deployment of Machine Learning and Deep Learning applications with Python
Alexandra Kropf
The Adobe Illustrator Masterclass - Build Video Game Vector Graphics
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Kristen H.
5-Hour Piano for Beginners
Learn to play the piano like Beethoven
Simon Ireson
Front-End Web Development Masterclass with React and Material-UI
Learn to get started with ReactJS and MUI, a suite of user interface tools.
Alexandra Kropf
Python Deep Learning for Creative Portfolio Development
Learn deep learning and artificial intelligence by teaching a 'brain' how to mimic and generate art.
Alexandra Kropf
Creative Machine Learning - Draw and Paint with 3 Neural Network Projects
Learn deep learning and artificial intelligence by teaching a 'brain' how to mimic and generate art.
Alexandra Kropf
Build an Online Paint Website
Learn Web Development Essentials and Become a Web Developer From Scratch
Alexandra Kropf
5-Hour Black and White Architecture Pen Drawing - Buildings
Draw like you are Picasso
Kledjona Dano
3D Web Development Fundamentals - Jump into Three.js
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
3D Web Game Development with JavaScript and Three.js
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Alexandra Kropf
5-Hour Black and White Pen Drawing - Cartoon Characters
Draw like you are Picasso
Kledjona Dano
Pencil Drawing - Black and White Landscapes
Draw like you are Picasso
Kledjona Dano
TensorFlow.js Neural Networks: Advanced Techniques and Applications
Learn Machine Learning and Deep Learning from scratch using JavaScript and Tensorflow.js with hands-on projects
Alexandra Kropf
TensorFlow.js Mastery: Advanced Machine Learning Techniques
Master machine learning with JavaScript and TensorFlowJS
Alexandra Kropf
UI and UX App Design in Adobe XD
Build Amazing Apps With No Programming Experience!
Vladislav Makeev
Figure Pencil Drawing - Simple Cartoony Characters
Learn to draw like a PRO!
Kledjona Dano
TensorFlow JS Unleashed: Beginners Machine Learning Masterclass
Do you want to build websites that use machine learning models from Google’s artificial intelligence library? Enroll in this course!
Alexandra Kropf
TensorFlow JS Neural Networks Demystified: A Beginner's Guide
Alexandra Kropf
The Node.js Masterclass for Complete Beginners 2.0
Maaz Muhammad
Introduction to Javascript for Web Developers
Maaz Muhammad
Complete Beginners React JS - Elevate Your Web Development Skills
Build An Amazing App With React
Faizan Khan
Build Your First App With React
Build An Amazing App With React
Faizan Khan
UI App Development in Android Studio with Google Material Design
Build An Awesome UI Apps in Android Studio
Alexandra Kropf
Advanced JavaScript Mastery - Build Dynamic, Interactive Websites
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Maaz Muhammad
Ultimate Advanced JavaScript Masterclass for Web Developers
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Maaz Muhammad
Create Apps in Android Studio with Kotlin
Develop a fully functional Android App in Android Studio using the power of Kotlin.
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to React Native
Do you want to build mobile web apps? React Native is for you.
Ashwani Mangy
Excel Data Analysis Masterclass - Data Visualization
Learn how to use Pivot Tables to streamline and revolutionize your workflow in Excel
Mihai Petrisor
Create Apps with JavaScript using Vue
Do you want to manage user interfaces with the Vue.js framework? This course is for you!
Alexandra Kropf
Learn to Create Apps for the Apple TV
Alexandra Kropf
The Complete Drawing Guide for Beginners!
Kledjona Dano
The Ultimate MacOS & iOS Masterclass: Build Mac Apps with SwiftUI
Alexandra Kropf
Build Apple Watch Apps: The Complete iOS 14, Swift 5 and WatchOS 7 Masterclass
Build Apps For Your Watch With No Programming Experience!
Alexandra Kropf
Complete Web & App Development with Machine Learning For All (125 Hours)
A 5-level masterclass for beginners and masters. JavaScript web development, iOS and Android app development, and more.
24 Course Bundle
Build iPhone Apps with SwiftUI for Beginners: iOS 14 and Swift 5 Masterclass
The Complete iOS App Development Course with SwiftUI From Beginner to Advanced App Developer
Alexandra Kropf
Mobile Machine Learning with CoreML: Artificial Intelligence iOS 14 and Swift 5 Masterclass
Build Amazing iOS Apps Using CoreML
Alexandra Kropf
Complete Character Drawing for Beginners: Easy to Draw Characters with a Large Marker
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Kledjona Dano
Hands On Adobe Photoshop Course for Beginners
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Vladislav Makeev
The Ultimate Digital Marketing Course for Beginners
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Endy Nguyen
Smash the Coding Interview: Tackle Math Interview Questions with JavaScript
Learn a new skill to snag a new job now!
Alexandra Kropf
The Complete Python and Machine Learning for Everybody 2.0
An eDegree for absolute beginners. Learn artificial intelligence, Python programming and data science from scratch.
John Bura
Excel Charts and Visualization
Learn how to build Excel charts and visualize data.
Mihai Petrisor
Excel Financial Analysis
Learn Excel statement models and finance models.
Mihai Petrisor
Introduction to Excel
Learn the basics of Excel in this crash course.
John Bura
Ethical Hacking for Beginners - Master Cybersecurity Skills Fast
Learn Linux, Bettercap, attacks, white hat hacking, and much more.
Sana Fatima
The Ethical Hacking Course for Beginners
Learn Linux, Bettercap, attacks, white hat hacking, and much more.
Sana Fatima
Data Science with Stocks, Excel and Machine Learning
Learn how to build machine learning models for the stock market with Python and Excel.
Alexandra Kropf
The Complete Photoshop Masterclass
Learn Adobe Photoshop with projects and tutorials.
Vladislav Makeev
Introduction to PivotTables in Excel
Work with PivotTables and databases in this career advancing course.
Mihai Petrisor
Web Automation with Selenium Python
Automate your spreadsheets and boring work with Python programming.
Alexandra Kropf
3D Modeling Physics
Learn how to build physics in the free Blender 2.8 software.
Kevin Liao
Python for Everyone - Learn Programming with Fun, Beginner-Friendly Projects
Learn to code in the most popular and in demand programming language of the year.
Alexandra Kropf
Python for Absolute Beginners and All Ages
Learn to code in the most popular and in demand programming language of the year.
Alexandra Kropf
Excel Functions Mastery Course
Accelerate your Excel skills by mastering advanced Excel functions.
Mihai Petrisor
Advanced Excel VBA
Take your automation to the next level by programming with Visual Basic for Applications.
Alexandra Kropf
Beginners Excel VBA
Learn to code and automate Excel with Visual Basic for applications.
Alexandra Kropf
Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners
Learn to build machine learning models using spreadsheet data.
Alexandra Kropf
Predictive Analytics Essentials Bootcamp for Everyone
Learn to build machine learning models using spreadsheet data.
Alexandra Kropf
Automate Excel Files with Python OpenPyXL
Bring the power of Python to your Excel spreadsheets. Automate your Excel tasks with Openpyxl.
Alexandra Kropf
Machine Learning Interview Questions
Learn how to snag the most in demand role in the tech field today!
Nimish Narang
Ultimate iOS Coding Interview Preparation
Get iOS interview ready and ace the software developer interview - Or level up your current Swift skills!
Nimish Narang
Ace the Interview - Swift Mobile Development
Get iOS interview ready and ace the software developer interview - Or level up your current Swift skills!
Nimish Narang
Robot Character Rigging: 3D Modeling with Blender 2.8
Learn 3D modeling with the free Blender 2.8 software.
Kevin Liao
Blender 2.8 Reference Modeling
Build a human in this 3D modeling course for beginners.
Kevin Liao
The Ultimate Amazon Honeycode Guide: Build 7 Apps
Amazon Honeycode combines the familiar interface of a spreadsheet with the data management capability of a database.
Alexandra Kropf
SQL Coding Interview Guide
Crack the Software Developer Interview with SQL Questions
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to Programming
Learn the 7 programming languages covered in our Coding Interview Questions masterclass. Absolute beginners welcome.
John Bura(1)
Essential JavaScript Software Developer Interview Guide
Learn the best way to study for the software developer interview! Learn through hands-on coding examples and learn to solve problems quickly.
Alexandra Kropf
Algorithms, Data Structures and Time Complexity in C++
Refresh your C++ knowledge in the 10 most popular topics asked at the coding interview!
Alexandra Kropf
Ace the Python Coding Interview
Refresh your Python knowledge and solve new problems with the most common beginner interview questions asked by FANG companies.
Alexandra Kropf
C# Data Structures, Algorithms and Time Complexity
Preparing for the C# interview is hard. You need to understand not only concepts but also be able to articulate your thought process. Enroll today to learn how.
Alexandra Kropf
Top 10 Coding Interview Topics in Swift
Learn the best way to answer an interview question, look at the most commonly asked questions, and analyze time complexity of various algorithms.
Alexandra Kropf
Essential Algorithms and Data Structures to Crack the Coding Interview
Ultimate Coding Interview Questions Preparation Tutorials in Kotlin
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to Game Development in Python
Become a Python Software Developer and learn the most requested skill of the year.
Alexandra Kropf
Bootstrap Bootcamp
Build projects and master responsive web development with Bootstrap 4, HTML5 and CSS3 with mobile first design.
Alexandra Kropf
Become an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certified Solutions Architect
Learn how to pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect (CSA) - Associate Exam.
Anushik Hovhannisyan
Ultimate Beginner Coding Bootcamp
Do you want to learn to code in 2020? Do you want to become an employed software developer with a high paying job? This is for you.
John Bura
Javascript And Web Development Bootcamp
JavaScript is the #1 in demand language for web development and is quickly gaining in popularity for all types of software development.
Alexandra Kropf
Introduction to Graphic Design
Join online instructor John Bura to learn the basics of graphic design!
John Bura
Code and Get Hired - Complete Learn to Code Guide with Interview Questions 1.0
Python, JavaScript and More Programming Languages, Data Science and Machine Learning Interview Questions to Help You Survive the Recession
12 Course Bundle
Python Type Conversion Examples - Coding Tutorial
Programming Tutorial (Video)
Nimish Narang
Python Variables - Coding Tutorial
Programming Tutorial (Video)
Nimish Narang
What is Python? - Coding Tutorial
Programming Tutorial (Video)
Nimish Narang
Build Websites with Bootstrap, HTML5 & CSS3
Bootstrap is currently the single most used library on all of Github, beating out other tools like React and Angular!
Alexandra Kropf
Learn Python Data Science and Machine Learning Classification
Machine learning is quickly becoming a required skill for every software developer.
Nimish Narang
Python and TensorFlow Data Science and Iris Speciation
Use TensorFlow to build a program to categorize irises into different species. And much more!
Nimish Narang
The Complete Data Science and Image Recognition Course with Python
Learn everything you need to become a data scientist. Jump into Pandas, PyPlot, MNIST, Keras and more popular libraries.
Nimish Narang
Data Science Theory Crash Course
Master the core theory behind neural networks, machine learning algorithms, classifiers and more of the crucial topics you need before building projects.
Alexandra Kropf
Data Science Bootcamp: Hands-On Java Training
Build neural networks, machine learning algorithms, classifiers and more, step by step through real examples with data visualization and more!
Alexandra Kropf
The Complete HD Blender 2.8 Face Sculpting Course
Dive into the ultimate Blender 2.8 course for character head sculpting. Build high poly 3D heads in Blender...
Kevin Liao
The Complete Advanced JavaScript Course
This is the ultimate JavaScript course for web development, game development and more.
Razvan Nesiu
JavaScript for Beginners - Build Your First Websites and Applications
This is the ultimate JavaScript course for web development, game development and more.
Razvan Nesiu
The Complete Python and TensorFlow Data Science Course (15 Hours)
This is the ultimate Python course for image recognition, data analysis, data visualization and more.
Nimish Narang
Wall Street Coder: Anybody Can Learn to Code and Trade (CAD)
Are you interested in how highly successful people make money trading? We're here to teach you how to protect, save and make money in the world of finance.
Nimish Narang
Kids Coding 2.0 - Introduction to HTML, CSS and JavaScript (CAD)
Your kid could be the next Zuckerberg!
John Bura
The Complete AWS Machine Learning Course. Learn to Code
Get hired as a machine learn specialist at Amazon. Learn hireable skills in this complete guide to AWS SageMaker, AI and Certified ML with Python.
1 Course Bundle
Java Interview Questions: Data Structures and Algorithms
Refresh your Java knowledge and solve new problems with the most common beginner interview questions asked by FANG companies.
Alexandra Kropf
The Ultimate JavaScript Certification: ES6 for Aspiring Web Developers (20 Hours)
Learn JavaScript from scratch and build your first ES6 projects with this must have course for any aspiring developer.
John Bura
Introduction to Data Analysis: Pandas and Python for Beginners
Analyze data with Python’s must-know pandas library. Manipulate datasets and perform data operations.
Nimish Narang
Learn to Graph Data with Python and Matplotlib
Visualize data through programming with PyPlot, a MATLAB-like interface.
Nimish Narang
Python Language Fundamentals: Learn Python from Scratch
Learn everything you need to know to go from zero to hero in Python for web development, machine learning and more.
Nimish Narang
Introduction to Algorithms in Java
Learn object-oriented programming in the most popular programming language behind your favorite apps and websites.
Alexandra Kropf
10 Reasons Why Managers Must Understand Code (Free Downloadable eBook)
Let’s talk about why every manager needs to understand tech, and what you’ll miss if you don’t.
John Bura
Введение в Кодирование: HTML, CSS и JavaScript
Создавайте сайты с использованием HTML, CSS и JavaScript и изучайте теорию компьютеров в этом курсе по программированию для начинающих.
John Bura
Hello Coding 2020: Anyone Can Learn to Code (250 Hours)
Smash your career goals. Build websites, games, apps and artificial intelligence projects with this 5-course bundle. On sale today with limited spots.
2 Course Bundle
The Complete Machine Learning Course for Everybody
Finally, a course that makes machine learning so easy that everyone can understand it.
John Bura
Ultimate 3D Character Modeling in Blender 2.8 for Beginners
Use Blender to create beautiful 3D models for video games, 3D printing and film. No prior knowledge required.
Kevin Liao
(Coming Soon) Introduction to Python (Free Downloadable eBook)
Do you want to learn the most popular language for data science? In this free programming eBook, you'll learn how to code in Python from scratch.
Nimish Narang
Introduction to Blender (Free Downloadable eBook)
Have you ever wanted to build your own 3D models? The free Blender resource will teach you 3D modeling through 3 fun low poly projects.
Kevin Liao
Learn Unity by Building a 3D Runner Game (Free Downloadable eBook)
Do you want to learn game development? In this free Unity eBook, you will learn how to code your first 3D game in C#.
Glauco Pires
Introduction to Unity (Free Downloadable eBook)
Do you want to make your own 2D or 3D game? In this free game development eBook, you'll learn how to use Unity and C# to create your first game from scratch.
Glauco Pires
Blender 2.8 Masterclass: Anyone Can 3D Model (25.5 Hours)
Have you ever wanted to build your own 3D models? This NEW course will teach you 3D modeling through 10 fun low poly projects.
5 Course Bundle
Unreal Game Developer: Beginner and Multiplayer Masterclass
Learn video game development and how to build impressive games from scratch with the Unreal Engine.
John Bura
Code a Startup-Worthy App with Google Flutter (30 Hours)
Start an empire with your first advanced app for Android and iOS with Dart and Firebase. Build an app from scratch for your startup!
Nimish Narang
Learn Flutter and Dart: Complete App Development Projects
Learn to build apps in Flutter, Google's cross-platform framework, and code with its Dart programming language. Slash your development time in half!
Nimish Narang
The Complete Side Hustle and Entrepreneur Masterclass (20 Hours)
Start a side hustle, invest, and entrepreneur with an E-Degree from instructors featured on Harvard and Mashable. Make cash from home!
John Bura
Wall Street Coder: Anybody Can Learn to Code and Trade (50 Hours)
Are you interested in how highly successful people make money trading? We're here to teach you how to protect, save and make money in the world of finance.
Nimish Narang
Coding for Parents: Build Education Apps for Kids
Build education games with coding & artificial intelligence. Learn to program step by step in this academy of tutorials for beginners.
John Bura
Kids Coding 2.0 - Introduction to HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Your kid could be the next Zuckerberg!
John Bura
Build a Multiplayer Battle Royale from Scratch
Make your first huge battle royale game in Unity and Blender!
Glauco Pires
Build Your First 10 Games: No Coding in Construct 3
Yes, it's possible! Get an epic 6-level course and learn to make your own computer games from NOTHING!
John Bura
Budgeting 101: Budget Your Way to Success (Pre-Order)
Save money, cut spending, learn to invest, and avoid debt. Prepare yourself for any economy today
John Bura
Coding for Parents and Teachers: Build Education Apps (20 Hours)
Build your first app and inspire kids. Make education games with coding and artificial intelligence. This academy of tutorials is perfect for beginners.
John Bura
The Complete Python Coding Bootcamp For Beginners (Free Today)
Join our FREE masterclass 🔥 Start your wonderful journey into coding and technology.
Nimish Narang
Blockchain Fundamentals: The Complete Solidity Guide
Create Blockchain projects with the Solidity language! Learn cryptocurrency, cryptography, transactions and programming.
Nimish Narang
Kids Coding 2.0 - Introduction to HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Your kid could be the next Zuckerberg!
John Bura
C# Fundamentals: Learn Coding for Game Development
Do you want to learn to code in C#? This course is for you! Your one-stop-shop to start learning C# basics for beginners
Fredy Flores
R Programming Exploration: Data Science and Machine Learning for Beginners
Learn to code and make projects in R! Data analytics, data management, machine learning and more.
John Kemp
Complete Java Masterclass - Become an Android App Developer!
Learn to master Java app development step-by-step and make your first Android apps! Improve your career options today.
Kaisa Crawford Taylor
The Complete Python Web Course - Create Websites using Flask!
Learn to Create and Develop Website using Python and Flask! Learn the Ins and Outs of Website Creation with this new Framework!
Jack Tong
Beautiful Data Visualization Projects in D3.js for Beginners
Design and build stunning data visualizations with D3.js. Learn to code and create projects with the powerful library.
Martin Chandler
Anyone Can Make a Video Game! Build a Battle Royale with Unity and Blender! (50 Hours)
Make a huge battle royale game from scratch! Learn to code in C# and 3D model in Blender using free programs.
Glauco Pires
R Programming: Hands-on Data Science and Modeling for Practical Applications
Understand & practice all the topics that stumped you in R! Build examples from scratch in this compact R course!
Mangum Dampier
Data Mining with Python! Real-Life Data Science Exercises
Bootcamp of the hottest topics including visualization, machine learning, Apache Spark, SQL, NLP, Matplotlib and more!
Koyuki Nakamori
Complete Sketch UI For Beginners: App Design From Scratch
Build apps, icons, user interfaces, landing page, animations with Principle & MORE from A to Z​ in a comprehensive guide
Carlo Namoca
3D Modeling Bundle: 6 Mammoth Interactive Blender Courses
Save money by buying in bulk, Learn 3D modeling in Blender and Unity
Kevin Liao
Practical MacOS Bootcamp - Learn to Code & Build Useful Apps
Learn Xcode 9, Swift 4 and build your first apps for the Apple Mac computer now. Anyone can be an app developer!
Kevin Tai
Affinity Photo: Hottest Digital Painting Tools for Beginners
A better, cheaper Photoshop! Learn solid foundations of a drawing & editing program for Mac & PC illustrations & photos
Kevin Liao
Make Games Without Coding in Construct 3 for Beginners (17 hours)
Yes, it's possible! Get an epic 6-level course and learn to make your own computer games from NOTHING!
John Bura
The Deep Learning Masterclass: Classify Images with Keras!
Build models with Python, TensorFlow, PyCharm, APIs & CIFAR-10. Learn machine learning, neural networks, & convolutions!
Nimish Narang
Learn to Code in Kotlin by Building an Android App
I'm super excited to get you started on your path to Android app development and a to-do list app is a great way to get started.
Nimish Narang
3D Modeling Bootcamp: Build Easy Low Poly Art in Blender
A comprehensive step-by-step guide to making your first apartment building using innovative 3D modeling techniques. No prior knowledge required!
Kevin Liao
Hello Coding and Machine Learning Bundle
Get 2 masterclasses in 1. Learn development, design, artificial intelligence, and data science!
John Bura
Unity Crash Course - Learn about co-ordinates and Vector 2s
John Bura
Unity Crash Course - Learn about Key Input in 30 Minutes
John Bura
Unity Crash Course - Learn about first person controls.
John Bura
Unity Crash Course - Learn about Physics
John Bura
Unity Crash Course - Learn about Quaternions and Math
John Bura
Coding for Cats | Cat-Themed JavaScript Course
Learn to code in JavaScript. All examples are cat-related 🐱
John Bura
Learn Blender 3D! Make Low Poly Houses & Buildings
Epic Blender course! Make art assets & models for use in games & city design. Make a basic building​ with micro blocks
Kevin Liao
Make Low Poly Apartments in Blender with Micro Blocks!
Anyone Can Be a Digital Artist in our Beginner-Friendly Course: Low Poly 3D Models for Video Games, City Design, & More!
Kevin Liao
3D House Design in Blender: Make Low Poly Art for Unity!
Maximize efficiency: make your creation process as convenient as possible! Make modern houses. Import assets into Unity!
Kevin Liao
Anyone Can Make High Poly Art: Build 3D Pipes in Blender!
Create top quality art assets & models for games & more. Learn Blender in 1 hour: Make high poly environment pipes!
Kevin Liao
Guide to quickly creating Blender art: High poly jet plane!
Create a professional 3D model for video games and more! No prior knowledge required. Learn to use Blender and Photoshop
Kevin Liao
Unity Machine Learning with Python
Teach a sled controlled by artificial intelligence to catch falling Christmas presents!
Glauco Pires
The Secret to Smoother Gameplay with Unity AI ​
Steer, flee, avoid! Anything is possible with SteeringBehavior. Make a spaceship game with artificial intelligence and C#.
Glauco Pires
Make a Starship Unity Game Powered by Artificial Intelligence
Make cutting-edge games! Mine a unique world using NavMesh artificial intelligence. Make a 3D pathfinding game with C#.
Glauco Pires
Learn Unity Artificial Intelligence by Making a Tank Game
Learn artificial intelligence, use the a star algorithm, and code in C#. Make an awesome 2D tank game.
Glauco Pires
Learn to Make a Game in 30 Minutes for FREE
Build a game without coding! Learn Scirra's Construct 3 game engine. Make games right in your browser!
John Bura
Mobile Machine Learning: The Complete Masterclass (50 Hours)
​ Build projects and apps driven by machine learning for Android™ and iOS in this massive online course
Nimish Narang
Make 2D & 3D Graphs in Python with Matplotlib for Beginners
A data science masterclass for beginners! Learn data visualization by making graphic bars and diagrams. Code in Python.
Max Schallwig
Create Arrays in Python NumPy - Learn Scientific Computing
Complete beginner's bootcamp for learning to code from scratch in Python! +Array calculations, functions, statistics.
Max Schallwig
Data Science & Analysis: Make DataFrames in Pandas & Python
Learn to code in Python and analyze data using the pandas dataframe! Complete with practical projects. Learn to code.
Max Schallwig
Consulting Sessions
Want advice for your entrepreneurship, company, or career? Get a consulting session with experienced business owner John Bura.
John Bura
Make a Mega Dude Action Shooter Game in Unity® with Pixel Art
Complete Beginner's Guide to Building a Game from Scratch in Unity® with Pixel Art in MagicaVoxel & Photoshop.
Glauco Pires
Learn to Code by Making an Air Hockey Game in Unity®
Build an air hockey game, learn to code, and make art in Blender. Ultimate guide for aspiring game developers!
Glauco Pires
Make an Angry Birds Clone in Unity®: Complete 2D Puzzle Game
Build a casual game from start to finish! Make art from scratch in Illustrator. Code in C# and build a simple game.
Glauco Pires
Make a 2D Flappy Bird Game in Unity®: Code in C# & Make Art
Build an Endless Flyer game, learn to code, and make art in Photoshop. Ultimate guide for aspiring game developers.
Glauco Pires
Make Art by Coding! Create an SVG Scene for Web Animation
You will learn how to create shapes with code and manipulate their appearance, sizes, and positions.
Chris Veillette
Introduction to NodeJS - Learn and Understand JavaScript
A Compact Course for beginners! Learn a rising and FREE web programming platform Node.js, which builds fast server apps.
Chris Veillette
Zero to Hero Blender Course: Make 7 low poly trees for games
Ultimate Beginner's Course - Design trees to use in game backgrounds. Part 9 of our Blender Compact Course Series!
Kevin Liao
Blender - Create 5 low poly swords for 3D character models
Efficient beginner's course - Design swords FAST for game characters. Part 8 of our Blender Compact Course Series!
Kevin Liao
Create 6 low poly rock models in Blender for 3D environments
Beginner's course - Design rock scenes quickly for use in game backgrounds. Part 7 of our Blender Compact Course Series!
Kevin Liao
Make Low Poly 3D Environment Models in Blender and Unity®
Part 6 of our Blender Compact Course Series. Create low-poly environment art. Developed for highly efficient learning.
Kevin Liao
Hello Coding Bonus Topics
Stretch goals of Hello Coding: Anyone Can Learn to Code
John Bura
Create Low Poly Game Characters in Blender3D
Part 5 of our Blender Compact Course Series. Design low-poly models for games. Developed for highly efficient learning.
Kevin Liao
Beginner's Guide to 3D Modelling 14 Low Poly Buildings for Games
Part 4 of our Blender Compact Course Series. Design digital low-poly buildings for game art. Developed for highly efficient learning.
Kevin Liao
Beginner's 3D Modelling - 10 Unique Low Poly Buildings in Blender
Part 3 of our Blender Compact Course Series. Design digital low-poly buildings for game art. Developed for highly efficient learning.
Kevin Liao
3D Model 32 Low Poly Buildings in Blender for Beginners
Part 2 of our Blender Compact Course Series. Design low-poly buildings for game art.
Kevin Liao
Learn 3D Modelling - Low Poly Buildings in Blender for Beginners
Design digital low-poly buildings for game art. A Compact Course on Blender, developed for highly efficient learning.
Kevin Liao
Make a Game Background in Adobe Illustrator for Beginners
Learn to draw a park scene for games! A Compact Course on Adobe Illustrator, developed for highly efficient learning.
John Bura
Learn how to build a Chess game in iOS 10
Learn how to make a Chess game in Xcode and code it with Swift. Learn about how to set up a simple AI!
Razvan Nesiu
Create Flat Design Spaceships in Adobe Illustrator
A Compact Course on Adobe Illustrator developed for highly efficient learning! Digitally draw 3 flat design spaceships.
John Bura
Hello Coding: Anyone Can Learn to Code (170 Hours)
Learn to code with 5 levels of web, app, and game development. Best-selling course with over $100,000 raised on Kickstarter.
John Bura
The Ultimate iOS 11 Course. Learn to Build Apps! (70 hours)
A Beginner's Guide to Xcode 9, Swift 4.0, ARKit, Core ML, SpriteKit, WatchKit, and more.
John Bura
Beginner's ES6 Programming. Code for the Web in JavaScript (22 hours)
A Beginner's Guide to ES6 Programming for Aspiring Web Developers & Entrepreneurs! Learn to Code in JavaScript.
Chris Veillette
Beginner's Guide to Elm Programming. Build Web Apps!
A Beginner's Guide to Elm Programming for Aspiring Web App Developers & Entrepreneurs. Build Web Apps from Scratch.
Chris Veillette
A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to Coding in Kotlin (6 hours)
Learn to code for Android app development in Java's replacement language! Perfect for beginners to coding or Kotlin.
Nimish Narang
Mastering Core Image: Xcode's Image Recognition and Processing Framework (13 hours)
Learn image manipulation and recognition techniques for iOS apps.
Nimish Narang
Image data
Nimish Narang
Introduction to React and Redux. Code Web Apps in JavaScript. (14 hours)
A beginner's guide to React and Redux for aspiring web app developers and entrepreneurs!
Chris Veillette
Make 3D characters easily with MakeHuman and Blender3D
A faster way to build 3D models.
Kevin Liao
Introduction to SpriteKit. Build practical games.
Learn to use SpriteKit to build 2D games for iOS.
Nimish Narang
Make a Ninja Survival game for mobile in Unity® and Blender
Learn to build a Ninja game for mobile using in Unity®. Create the game's art from scratch in Blender.
Glauco Pires
Build The Legend of Zenda Game in Unity® and Blender
An introduction to game development and design. In this course, you learn how to build a 3D game with Unity® and Blender.
Glauco Pires
Make a 3D Portals Clone in Unity® and Blender from Scratch
Learn to build a game using portals in Unity®. Create the game's art from scratch in Blender. Start your game developer journey here!
Glauco Pires
Introduction to Firebase authentication
Nimish Narang
Introduction to Blender
Kevin Liao
Ultimate TVOS Guide for Beginners. Learn to code in Swift 3
Learn to make apps for the TVOS platform and learn to code. This course is for beginners.
Tristan Mackinlay
WatchOS Beginner Crash Course. Learn to code in Swift 3.0
Learn how to make WatchOS apps and learn to code in Swift. Learn the secrets of HealthKit.
Chris Veillette
Basics of Python Coding
Python is one of the easiest languages to learn and is in demand, modern, relevant and profitable.
John Bura
Python Unlocked - The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Coding Mastery
Python is one of the easiest languages to learn and is in demand, modern, relevant and profitable.
John Bura
Ultimate Python Beginner Course. Learn to code today! (17 hours)
Python is one of the easiest languages to learn and is in demand, modern, relevant and profitable.
John Bura
Learn to Build Loops in Python
Python is one of the easiest languages to learn and is in demand, modern, relevant and profitable.
John Bura
Object-Oriented Programming in Python
Python is one of the easiest languages to learn and is in demand, modern, relevant and profitable.
John Bura
Learn to Import in Python
Python is one of the easiest languages to learn and is in demand, modern, relevant and profitable.
John Bura
Build Sets and Dictionaries in Python
Python is one of the easiest languages to learn and is in demand, modern, relevant and profitable.
John Bura
Work with User Input and Output in Python
Python is one of the easiest languages to learn and is in demand, modern, relevant and profitable.
John Bura
Build a Blackjack Game in Python
Python is one of the easiest languages to learn and is in demand, modern, relevant and profitable.
John Bura
Build and model a 3D Super MARLO runner clone in Unity®
Do you want to learn to code and 3D model? Build a simple SUPER MARLO RUN clone in this best-selling course. Don't wait! Make your own games from scratch here.
Glauco Pires
Build a 3D VR Whack a Mole Game in Unity
Learn everything you need to know to make your own virtual reality games! Code in C# from scratch to make publishable projects.
Glauco Pires
Build 30 Mini 3D Virtual Reality Games in Unity® from Scratch
Learn everything you need to know to make your own virtual reality games! Code in C# from scratch to make publishable projects.
Glauco Pires
Build a Christmas Game in Unity 3d from Scratch
Create your very own Christmas gift game as a virtual reality simulator.
Glauco Pires
Build 60 Games in Construct 2
Learn to build 60 games in Construct 2 without programming. Learn the secrets behind top selling mobile games.
John Bura
Build 20 Games in SpriteKit for the iPad
John Bura
Build 20 Games in SpriteKit for the iPhone
John Bura
C++ Crash Course for Beginners
Nimish Narang
The Complete Web Developer Course: Build 20 Websites
John Bura
2 payments of $500/month
Learn To Make 20 Casual Games in Construct 2
This is the course to start learning game development.
John Bura
Build 30 Apps for Apple Watch
John Bura
Popular JavaScript Framework: Learn The Ins And Outs Of Angular
Learn everything you need to know to be successful in Angular
Alexandra Kropf
Become a Web Developer: Learn the Basics and Fundamentals of Ruby! (32 Hours)
Learn everything you need to know to be successful in Ruby.
John Bura
Build a 3D Turret Game in Unreal
Build fun games from scratch in the popular engine Unreal 4! Learn to program in C++ and get hired.
Glauco Pires
Build a 3D Shooter Game in Unreal
Build fun games from scratch in the popular engine Unreal 4! Learn to program in C++ and get hired.
Glauco Pires
Introduction to the Unreal Engine
Build fun games from scratch in the popular engine Unreal 4! Learn to program in C++ and get hired.
Glauco Pires
Build a Runner Switcher Game in Unreal
Build fun games from scratch in the popular engine Unreal 4! Learn to program in C++ and get hired.
Glauco Pires
Build a 3D Platform Switcher Game in Unreal
Build fun games from scratch in the popular engine Unreal 4! Learn to program in C++ and get hired.
Glauco Pires
Build a FPS Game in Unreal
Build fun games from