Recommended Order

All the courses below are included in this bundle. The recommended order for taking the courses is:

✅ Level 1 - Game Development Fundamentals

2D Game Development in Unity for Beginners - Build a Block Breaker Game (3 hours)

Introduction to Unreal 5 for Beginners with Blueprints - UE5 Game Development (3 hours)

✅ Level 2 - Build Your First Games

Build 2D and 3D Games with Unity Bolt Visual Scripting (5 hours)

Unity C# Game Development for Absolute Beginners - Build a First Person Shooter Player from Scratch (4 hours)

Build a Simple Platformer Game in Unreal Engine 5 - Your First UE5 Game (2 hours)

Build Your First C++ Game in Unreal Engine 5 (4 hours)

Unreal 5 C++ Beginners Masterclass - Build a Top Down Game From Scratch (2 hours)

Build a Self Driving Car with Unreal Engine 5, Blueprints and C++ (1 hour)

✅ Level 3 - Build 3D and VR Games

Build 3D and VR Games in Unity for Game Development Beginners (5 hours)

Build Your First Simple Virtual Reality Game in Unreal Engine 5 (1 hour)

✅ Level 4 - Build Augmented Reality

Build Augmented Reality for Absolute Beginners with Unity (1 hour)

Simple Augmented Reality from Scratch in Unreal Engine 5 (1 hour)

✅ Level 5 - Build Machine Learning Agents

TensorFlow Unity Beginners Masterclass - Train a Neural Network in a 3D Environment (2 hours)

Build Machine Learning Datasets with Unreal Procedural Generation (3 hours)

✅ Level 6 - Build a Battle Royale

Build a 3D Multiplayer Battle Royale Game with Unity (4 hours)

✅ Level 7 - Build Hyperrealistic Humans

Build Realistic Humans in MetaHuman with Unreal 5 Character Animation (2 hours)

🎁 Legacy Content (15+ Courses)

That's 300 FREE hours of extra content from our previous masterclasses:

  • Build a multiplayer battle royale in Unreal Engine 4.
  • Build 6 games in Unreal Engine 4.
  • Build 40 2D and 3D games in Unity with C#.
  • Build a 3D portals clone in Unity and Blender.
  • Build The Legend of Zenda in Unity 2017.
  • Build a 3D Super MARLO Runner clone in Unity.
  • Build a Ninja Survival mobile game in Unity and Blender.
  • Build 4 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Projects in Unity.
  • Build a Mega Dude Action Shooter game in Unity with pixel art.
  • Build an Air Hockey game in Unity.
  • Build an Angry Birds 2D Puzzle clone in Unity.
  • Build a 2D Flappy Bird game in Unity with C#.
  • Build 30 Virtual Reality games in Unity 2017. 
  • Build a multiplayer role playing battle royale game in Unity 2017 with C#.

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